A Little Recap Before This Little Week

Even though Monday is right around the corner, it secretly feels like the weekend is too....Thanksgiving weekend! As I look forward to spending some extra time with family--getting in some extra cuddles and extra food--I wanted to do a little recap of this past week.
The middle of the week found us dressed in our best orange and blue.
The Illini were playing basketball!
Douglas gets PUMPED for their season every year. And every year he makes me promise to watch and get excited too. Here is my question: Does dressing my kiddos up just to watch TV prove my excitement??? 
Emery Kayt is a girl after my own heart. Instead of watching the game at Uncle Chuck's....she talked him into "Frozen" on the other TV. Hehe....at least Doug will have August to watch the games with.
Besides "Frozen" at Uncle Chuck's, Emery's highlight of the week was when Nana showed up to babysit on Friday....with powdered doughnuts! I think she was cut off after about five....and was pretty darn proud of herself. The girl is so spoiled by her Nana.
Saturday we braved the weather and the crowds and did our holiday grocery shopping. You are probably thinking...wouldn't it be smarter to send one out to do the shopping and have one stay home with kids? And yes. That would be the smart thing to do. But when have we ever declared to be the smartest parents?
Shopping as a team of four is fun. And on weekends we are together. Also, shopping the morning away is a great way to ensure big naps in the afternoon. Okay...so maybe we are the smartest parents ever.
The rest of Saturday really was spent napping. Emery napped first. Next, Daddy snored on the couch while I entertained the littles. Then August and I took a recliner nap while Em and Dad played. Kind of a great schedule we had going. 
This picture sums up the rest of the weekend. Every toy has been played with. We have made the best messes. We look forward to the little week ahead because right behind it is some awesome food and family time. Bring it on!


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