I Am Thankful For....

Thanksgiving Break 2015 tops the charts. It was about as full as it could be with family and food. Throw in lots of littles time and a house now full of Christmas cheer and you have yourself a great start to the holiday season. A season I am so ready for and so thankful for.

I am also thankful for a few other things....
Like a little boy with blue eyes that has smiled for four days straight. Minus the times he was sleeping on me. Because that is just what he does. (I think he is pretty thankful for me too.)
I am thankful for sibling love and smiles. See his little hand on her? He has to be touching her and she is usually looking at him. Both have those smiles that light up their whole faces. Maybe it's the cheeks.....
I am thankful for healthy kids that are growing up too fast. August in a highchair equals Emery Kayt at the big kid table. Sigh.
I am thankful for Nana (and all of Emery's other Grandparents, Godparents, Aunts and Uncles that make the holiday season so special....okay, so really they make everyday special for my kids). We rang in the holiday season with new matching jammies and ornaments for the tree.
I am thankful that I have my good sleeper back. We had to make it through the "no swaddle" transition.....but our full nights sleep have returned! I am also thankful for holiday parties that wear babies out....August slept in bigggg time over the weekend (Emery on the other hand did the opposite) making him the favorite child by about 2 to 3 hours hehe. 
I am thankful for this guy. The greatest husband I could ask for and the greatest Daddy my children could ask for. I think he has officially taken over the part of best friend for Emery. I am still holding strong as August's fav. 
I am thankful for a night spent with family and friends--the ones we don't get to see all the time. I am thankful for being welcomed into my big Jansen family and for the love they show my littles.
I am thankful for getting the chance to celebrate Thanksgiving three times. More food, more family, more love. I am also very very very thankful for my angels. August and Emery were so good throughout the whole weekend. That is truly a blessing from God. I mean....Doug and I are trying really hard in the parenting department....but I think so far we have lucked out.
I am thankful for matching jammies. Because of the cuteness. Maybe next year Doug and I will have to get some. Or I guess it is still not too late for this Christmas........ 
I am thankful for the reason for the upcoming season and the fact that I can share this story and love with my children. Em is starting to get it. We have about six Nativity Sets in our house (because I just love them and most of them are Doug and I's grandparent's or great-grandparent's). Em has one in her room and she wanted to put it together. I told her she could but to make sure that everyone was looking at baby Jesus. This was her finished product. I am so thankful for her two year old mind. Baby Jesus was very warm and happy. I look forward to Emery putting up her Nativity Set and celebrating Jesus for all of the Christmases to come. 

I am thankful for winter coats that still kind of fit from last year. And hand-me down boots from cousins. 
Doug and I are both thankful for our little helper. I don't know how we could have gotten all of our decorations up today without Em's help. (Okay....that is a total lie. We would have been done much, much earlier.) But she is already making this Christmas so so fun. She "ooooo'd" and "ahhhh'd" at every ornament and every light.
I am thankful for a new house this year to celebrate in. We are very blessed to have all that we have.
And I am thankful for how full of love and laughter (and toys) my house already is. These two. I am beyond thankful for these two.
I am thankful for our new bath time routine. Way longer. But way more fun. I am thankful for the smell of Emery's hair after a bath and the touch of August's baby-soft skin. And more matching jammies. 
I am thankful for the finished product after a big day. And the quiet time after kids are in bed that allows me to reflect on all I have. 

Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving too!


  1. You have so much to be thankful for and your blessings overflow to us. Was so wonderful to spend Thanksgiving with you all what a blessing to have everyone here and watch the little ones play and interact. They love each other and it is so sweet to see Em so protective and loving to her "little" brother. We have an awesome God and it is wonderful to think about Em learning about the reason for the season. I am so thankful for the wonderful Christian home you and Doug are making for your precious children and the examples that you both are to them. Love to you all.


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