Can I Have Just One More Day.....

This past week was great. The weekend was even better. But because of this, I could really, really use one more day before Monday. Is that too much to ask??

It was just me and the kiddos again this past week (and Nana helped too). Doug was off enjoying--oh, I meant working--by the white, sandy beaches of Florida. Okay, he really was working but that didn't stop me from being jealous of his beautiful weather and views. I kept busy by sending him pictures of my view...chubby cheeked, blue eyed littles. 
Chubby Cheek Number One...
And Chubby Cheek Number Two.

Being out numbered is hard work so I was very very thankful for a day off in the middle of the week--no morning rush out the door. I managed to get both kids dressed for the day but realized around supper time that I was still in my robe! Sometimes you just need a messy-hair-robe-day. Emery thinks I look like a princess in everything I wear anyway. 
We spent the day sitting-which sounds very relaxing, right? It wasn't haha. Em has shown zero interest in potty training lately but I thought I would try to push her bribe her back into at least trying--stickers for the win! Every 30 minutes, we sat on the potty. I say we because she demanded that I "go potty tooooooo". She did really really good the entire day. Maybe we can try to keep it up.....maybe....
When I wasn't sitting with Emery, I was sitting with August. The boy is overrrrr laying down. He must sit. Which is fine....except he can't. So we practiced and practiced. He was so happy to have Emery and I's full attention for the day. Many tea parties were had on Wednesday!
By Thursday morning we were very ready for Dad to get back home. I woke the kids up by telling them that Daddy was coming home....and these were the reactions I got. 
I love the excitement and love in their eyes.
Poor Doug didn't get too many cuddles and hugs before we were on the road again. We went away to St. Louis this weekend to celebrate our "10 year anniversary". My pillow pals helped me pack and get ready. It was my first night away from August....I hated that...but I knew they were going to have so much fun at Grandpa and Grandma's.
It was kind of weird packing the strollers or diaper bags. I missed Em and Auggie before we ever left the drive! We spent the day at a winery and then a brewery....our trip makes us sound like wild and crazy kids ha! In all honesty we went more for the food and venues then for the beverages. We could have gone anywhere and it would have been nice--I was with my best friend.
Saturday night we went and saw a comedian. We were front and center so the comedian talked to us quite a bit. It was lots of fun--my stomach hurt from laughing so much. 

Sunday was shopping day. Does anyone else ever have to do Pre-Christmas shopping?? You know.... where you go shopping for stuff you need before Christmas--stuff like Christmas picture outfits. We marked everything off of our list so I would call the day a success. After a very yummy lunch we were ready to get home.....
Not because Em or August missed me.....but because Nana sent me silly pictures like this and I just wanted to dance around the room with "Princess Sophia"...
or go take my Auggie Boy on a walk. I had been gone long enough! Em had big hugs and kisses for us and August just smiled. As much as I loved going away with my man, it felt so good to be four again!
I swear both kids grew and changed while we were gone. I was only away for one can they seem so big now?? It didn't help that we put August in the high chair for supper. He isn't suppose to be ready to do that....
And it didn't help that Emery climbed up into her own chair and proudly announced that it was her "big girl chair" and Auggie was in his new "baby boy chair". She talked non-stop with new words sprinkled in and August rolled right over after I laid him down. When I made a big deal of his rolling over, Nana let me know that he had been doing that all day and had done it at Grandma Susie's too. I couldn't believe it. The boy that never ever attempted to roll over for me decides to roll all over the place when I am not around!

During the week I missed Doug and this weekend I missed my littles. So that explains why I would really like one more day. One more day of being together before the week pulls us here and there.
Wishful thinking, I know.

I'll just have to suck it up and have a good week. Hope you do too! 


  1. so glad you are home but glad got to spend weekend away with Doug. Excited to hear baby boy is rolling over. Another first to mark off. He will be having so many firsts now. Glad you got to mark off everything on your pre-Christmas list. Bet Hannah had a great time with the kids I am certain the kids enjoyed her. She is so sweet. Love to all.


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