Christmas 2015

We had the most wonderful Christmas. We are blessed to get to celebrate four times with our families. Four times the food, the presents, the laughter and the fun. Emery was a blast this year. Her eyes were wide with every package and I know she ate her weight in cookies and m&m's. Auggie Boy was all smiles mainly because someone was holding him at all times. 

Here is a little glimpse at our Christmas-I want to remember this one forever. 
We started break off with a little baking. Emery Kayt had a blast. My kitchen looked like a sprinkle bomb had went off by the time we were done. Oh well.
She also takes after her Momma and ate more icing then she put on the cookies. I just can't say no to cream cheese icing. 
This was her pride and joy. And the cookie she chose to leave out for Santa. I am sure he thought it was delicious....
I am already looking forward to many baking days in our future. 
And while the girls baked, the boy played and played (and was spoiled by Nana).

Doug took off Christmas Eve which I was very thankful for. The four of us played and cuddled and ate yummy food all day.

We opened a few presents that night too. August fell in love with his Glow Worm.
And Emery loved her first Barbie.

We did the whole Cookies and Milk thing for Santa and Em was so funny when she announced Christmas morning that Santa was messy! We opened Santa gifts and played for a little bit before we got ready for church.
And Emery Kayt got her panties!!! That is all she asked for from Santa. And today is the day we start potty training......
My little angel
We like to go to church and hear Grandpa Sammy sing Christmas morning. I just love Christmas morning...not just the presents, but the fact that we are celebrating the birth of our Savior. A little boy swaddled in a manger. Having my own little boy I tear up thinking about the joy and love Mary was feeling at that moment. I then think about how much I worry about Auggie's safety and health and future....and I cannot comprehend what Mary must have worried about. But she had such an amazing faith and I just have to remember that and pray that God will help me raise the man he wants my son to become.
All the love for my man and kiddos!
First stop after church was Nana's!! Where my kids are extra loved and spoiled.
August slept through three gift opening sessions ha....but then he was always ready to play! Emery got a Nabi (a kid friendly tablet thing) from Nana and she loves it. As of right now she can turn it on, play some of her favorite video songs and turn it off, so we have some learning to do. She also refers to it as her "homework". The other favorite gift is all things Play-doh or "peee-ohhh" as she says it.
And I had to share this picture. August got his first nativity set (remember, I love nativity sets). Emery loves to arrange hers and I have to giggle at how she thinks it should look. So of course she wanted to arrange Auggie's....and this was the finished product. Look at those animals loving on baby Jesus. You know this probably really did happen back in Bethlehem!
On Saturday we headed over the river (a very full river) and through the woods to Gigi's house!
Again, lots of yummy food and lots of spoiling.
Emery got a sweet recliner chair from Grandpa Jim. She loves sitting in it, but try to recline her and you will have her in tears! We keep showing her that it is more comfortable but she isn't buying it yet.
Sunday we got ready for our last celebration--the Jansen's! Emery had received the cutest outfit from Gigi so we of course had to wear it. When she put the pants on she freaked out that they had pockets "like Daddy!" I started to take her picture and got the many poses of Emery Kayt. The girl knows how to rock an outfit ha!
And so does my boy. Baby Cardigan for the win!
Emery LOVES playing with all of her cousins. One minute I will see her busy with the cousins her age and the next moment she is giggling with the older girls. I love that she is apart of this big crazy group.
Emery with her 14 girl cousins. And she loves every single one of them!  
August with his 9 boy cousins. The poor boys are a little out numbered. 
The little kids sang a few Christmas songs and Emery ended up dancing and conducting the group haha. The girl loves music right now. I hope she always does.
She got the sweetest jewelry box from her Godfather, Uncle Terry. It is so sweet and girly just like her. We already put it up in her room.
Uncle Terry got the best Em hug after she opened her gift. 
Katie and Em got matching Elsa Braids too. Em doesn't know it yet, but we are going with a group of our girls to see a Frozen Sing-a-long in January!
And this picture of my chubby cheeked little boy perfectly captures the night. He got loved on so much (which is all he ever wants) and I swear his cheeks have to hurt from smiling. So should mine and Doug's and Emery's. Because that is what we have done for four days.
Today it is back to reality. A very very messy reality. So as Em plays with play-doh and Auggie rolls around on the floor, I am going to find new homes for toys and enjoy the time I have left here at home.

Hoping everyone had a wonderful Christmas....and is excited to ring in the new year!


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