Get Well Soon

This past week. Whew. What I wouldn't have given for a redo or a skip. But I am happy to say that we are now happier and (getting) healthier. And let's keep it that way shall we?
Auggie had a slight cough Monday and Tuesday-nothing to stress over. But Wednesday morning was a different story. Doug left for the airport Tuesday morning making it just me, Emery and the sick like the wonderful mother I am, I took him to the babysitters anyway. Before you judge me too hard, just know that I did call the doctor and my boss (who was so understanding this past week) let me skip out early and take him. Diagnosis: Upper Respiratory Infection. Yay.
Thursday was okayish. Not better but not really worse. Friday morning was wayyyy worse. Doug and I looked at each other and nodded. We both knew he needed to go back to the doctor. Again, being the wonderful parents we are, we loaded up the kids, took them to Nancy's and went to work. We had to. And again, I called the doctor and my boss let me skip out early. Same story, different day. But this time the diagnosis was worse: Probable RSV and an Ear Infection. Not Yay. Poor guy. 
The doctor explained that she was positive that he had RSV but that there was an expensive test she could do to make sure. OR she could just say he has it and treat him for it. Let's go with that one, Doc!
Nurse Emery was along for both Doctor visits. She was an angel the first go around. All worried about her baby brother and stuff. Second trip....she was over it and over listening! As I was wollering my sick, whining baby and trying to comprehend and remember everything the doctor was saying to me, Emery proceeded to whisper loudly in my ear "WATCH THIS MOMMY" and jump off the chair next to me. Five times. The doctor smiled and said "Oh, she is fine" as I smiled and said "Oh nooo she is not." The little stinker knew exactly what she was doing and grinned her sweetest grin the whole time. When the doctor left the room for a second, I did my best "serious-mom-whisper"  telling her she was being a bad girl and needed to listen to me and all Em could say was, "I am just happy." Great, I am so glad you are happy. Wish Mommy  could say the same right now ha!

After this fiasco and a Wal-mart trip where Emery kept sticking her hands in August's mouth and exclaiming, "he just bited me!" (no wonder the kid is sick), I was ready for comfy clothes and a nap. And some wine. And friend had mentioned maybe some Ben and Jerrys.....
Auggie was so so soooo much better Saturday morning. Friday night got a little scary with his breathing therefore I was very thankful for this smile first thing Saturday.
The original plan for the weekend was to road trip up north to see my girls. Instead, August and I stayed put in our finest jammies all weekend. I enjoyed my time with my wild one. I took in his every move and smile. Steroids and breathing treatments have him so wound up so we played like crazy then napped. And repeated that for three days. 
I would have felt bad if Emery would have had to stay home all weekend so instead she had a girls day with Nana and Hannah. Dinner and a movie for them!
And of course a game of Candy Land to finish up the night.
By Sunday, Auggie was really just the same. His cough was much better but by now the stuffy nose had taken over. The man loves his paci but pacis and stuffy noses don't mix, so he was just restless and worn out. So we stayed home again. Highlight of the day: Doug's parents brought us lunch! This made us happy and Em even happier!
Even a visit from Grandma Susie and Grandpa Sammy didn't keep this one from getting stir-crazy. She was so silly Sunday. We tried to stay busy by playing play-dough, doing Elsa-Braids, watching Frozen, playing with stickers and eating a lot of toast and jelly (one of her favs). 
I didn't have school Monday which gave Auggie one more day at home to rest. As great as it was to stay home all weekend, I was happy when it came time to head for Em's tumbling class. She and I were ready to get some fresh air! There was nooooo way I was going to take August. Not because of his sickness really. It was more the fact that he was a ball of grouchy energy and wouldn't have lasted two minutes sitting on my lap. Gigi and Papa came over instead. I think it made his day and theirs!
I came home totally expecting a frazzled Gigi and a yelling August, but instead he was fast asleep in Papa's arms. I think I have a picture of Emery at this age in his arms. He must have the touch. We finished off Monday with baths and early bedtimes....back to school the next day!

About 30 minutes after we put the kids to bed, Doug and I were in the kitchen. He was studying and I was eating cake. Because that is all Mom's really want to do once their kids are finally in bed for the night. If they tell you any differently, they are lying. Anyway, we hear the click of Miss Em's door.....
and this appeared in the kitchen. All she could say was , "I just awake now" and all we could do was giggle. I took her (and all of her friends) back to her room and climbed into bed with her. At first I was slightly annoyed. My cake eating had been interrupted and there is something special about the quiet time between your kids' bedtime and yours--don't mess with a Mom's evening quiet time. But then Emery put her arm around me and I smelled her still-damp hair. She told me I was her "best fwiend" and she felt my face and hair until we both fell asleep. I have to admit that it beat any cake or quiet time. It made me want a redo of the long, boring weekend at home with my kiddos (minus the sick baby of course). Please don't tell her this. Although I teared up and loved this special moment with my girl I in no way want this to be a recurring event. It would make it less special, right!?!

I am happy to say that August was much better this morning. Dare I say almost all better. Hoping he has a much better week. Hoping we all have a better week!


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