
This week was full of fun firsts.
As cute as the crazy curls were, it was time for August's first haircut. It would still curl up in perfect ringlets when wet but it was too long to keep curl--an hour later he looked like a hot mess. With Emery I held out to the very last minute when it came to getting her baby mullet cut off....and after she got her first cut I wished I would have done it sooner. So with #2 I decided not to wait. Crazy curls or not he would still be the cutest thing ever.
He sat on my lap and not still at all haha.
Look at that sweet little face. I just don't know when he got so big.
And the final product! I still wanted it to be a little mohawky-mess and it is. It feels so much thicker now too.
Emery Kayt brought the Bob back again. I keep thinking we will grow her hair out but it just looks so healthy and sweet when it is trimmed up. She sits so perfectly still and got to eat not one but two suckers while we were there!
And I decided to join the "first" party this week. I said goodbye to my blonde and hello to brunette for the first time! I have been blonde my whole life but I was tired of fighting the color of my roots which seem to get darker every year. I was ready for a big change. And I think I like it. Just totally not used to it yet......
Saturday was a day of firsts for Auggie and Em. August Samuel explored outside. In January I might add. I think this might be a first for me too ha! He could not get enough of the fresh air, sun and sounds. So much to see and feel. Really really makes me ready for spring weather that is here to stay.
Emery got to meet Elsa and Anna from Frozen for the first time. She dressed the part and everything!(Which I totally didn't see happening. The night before she declared that she was ANNA and not Elsa and we of course only have an Elsa dress....a little bribery had to happen but we went as Elsa and stayed dressed up the whole time. I had packed another outfit just in case ha!)
I think she looks so big here.
Nana joined us on our girls afternoon along with Aunt Kim, Nora, Aunt Julie, Katie and Grandma Susie.
This was her first time ever meeting a character and I didn't know what to expect. I think once she saw that every girl in Effingham was dressed up she relaxed and didn't stop smiling. 
The girl surprised me and RAN to Anna. They shared the biggest hug.
All of our favorites!
Each little girl got a gift bag and we watched the Movie with sing-a-long words. Emery knows every word but only really smiled when she heard the whole crowd sing together. Later she occasionally would giggle or say a line with the character. I am pretty positive the popcorn and candy were her favorite part.....a girl after my own heart!

Girls are so fun. This thought went through my head as she sat on my lap and I belted out Let It Go--I'm not ashamed to admit that I know every word too. I just love these sweet little moments and memories and look forward to doing special things with her forever.

And then I thought back to playing outside with August. Boys are so fun. He watches his Daddy's every move already. He wants to go and do and already wears us out. I can't wait to start experiencing more of his firsts. 

Doug and I are pretty lucky to have our Em and our Aug and we have a whole like of firsts ahead of us!


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