August Samuel~7 Months Old!

Just as I got used to telling people you were 6 months old, you are now 7 months old August Samuel! Besides those first newborn moments, this might have been my favorite month with you yet. Your little personality has grown so much (along with you!) and the saying really is true: I love you even more today than I did yesterday.
Your 6 month outfits are getting tighter every day….good thing we have new 9 month clothes from Christmas! Along with your size, your blonde curly hair seems to have grown overnight. You will have the most perfect curls after a bath and then you play on the floor and rub your head until you look like a crazy person. So with that being said, I am not sure what to do with your hair….perhaps a haircut soon. Gasp!
You are the best eater and finally the best sleeper again. Still drinking 6 ounces when you have a bottle but you seem to be spreading those out further. You now eat lunch and supper like a big boy and you love every bite (well except maybe for peas…..)
Before Christmas you were a rock star sleeper. Made maybe one or two peeps a night—nothing a paci didn’t fix. Our Christmas schedule (or lack thereof) totally rocked your world. You started staying up late and sleeping in. You also got use to your Momma holding you, so laying down by yourself was not your favorite thing. After 4 or 5 nights of 11:30 pm playtime, Doug and I decided it was time to get back on track. We woke you up early, didn’t really let you nap all day and you finally gave in to sleeping by yourself right at bedtime. You have been back on track ever since!
I am just absolutely in love with your over the top personality. You smile non-stop. Big toothless grins and you even squint your eyes. You “da-da” non-stop too. And loudly. I had always heard the rumor that boys were quieter than girls. That is not true for you. You are also spoiled rotten and know it. If you are left alone you will now belly crawl to find someone to give you some attention. 
You still love me the most I think but you were also very excited to see Miss Nancy this past week. Daddy makes you laugh and now that you are “crawling” you follow Emery Kayt around everywhere. We have already had to lecture you on stealing toys from her and waiting your turn ha!  You just go a mile a minute and now that you are moving on your own I can only see this getting worse. You are already the perfect mix of ornery and sweet.
We love you more than words Auggie Boy. Happy 7 months!


  1. Happy 7 month birthday August Samuel. We love you and Emery soooo much. You are growing so fast and doing so many new firsts. Stay sweet.


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