August Samuel~8 Months Old

Happy 8 months August Samuel! This month you have somehow gotten cuter and ornerier. How can that be possible?
We went to the doctor yesterday and you weigh 17 lbs 5 oz. Six month clothes are too tight (although we totally still squeeze into them from time to time) and you still drink a 6 oz bottle a few times a day--we bumped it up to 8 oz at night and you sleep like a rock! You of course still like bottles, but you LOVE real food. If anyone around you is eating, you think you should be eating too. Besides your baby food, you love to pick up puffs, bananas, avocados, noodles (and occasionally Emery’s french toast!). You have figured out how to drink out of your own sippy too. I guess nothing can stop you now!
You go to bed around 8:30 and we wake you up around 7. I can’t remember the last time we had to get up with you in the night. Thank you for that Auggie Boy!! At home you still prefer to nap in my arms but I think you take good naps for Miss Nancy so you are only a little spoiled.
You are the best army-crawler in the world. You just go and go and go. You occasionally attempt to crawl on your hands and knees but it is like you don’t have enough patience to really try it. Actually, I don’t think you really have any patience for anything--you want to go and do and see and you want to do it right now! I just sit and wonder what you are going to be like when you get “big”.
You “dada” and “mama” all day long along with shouts and squeals. And that smile of yours. You are so easy to make smile and it is one of those melt your heart smiles too. I had no idea I could love a little boy so much!
Your favorite things right now are Emery’s toys--not yours--you are already that little brother who pesters his sister haha. You like food you can pick up and pacis and this big balloon ball that you hit yourself with. Your favorite place in the house is the bathroom floor because you can go fast and you know your not suppose to be in there.
You have been sick again for the third time in three months but that doesn’t stop you. You are still the sweetest thing. Happy 8 months August! Hope you are healthy and happy! Love ya!


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