Going Down Hill

This past week started off great.
August Samuel got into everything.
We played hard every evening.
And we even made Valentine Treats with Nana! Well, Nana and I made the treats.....Auggie and Em ate them.
On Saturday we visited Grandma and Grandpa's house for two reasons: 
1. Our dryer broke. Two kids and a broke dryer do not mix.
2. Cousin fun and mini homemade pizzas! 
#2 being wayyyy more fun than #1

The broken dryer must have started us all off, because we have been going down hill ever since.
August is back to his regularly scheduled "get sick once a month" routine. This makes three times in three months. It starts off with a runny, yucky nose which everyone has right now.... but every other time it has turned into a respiratory infection, ear infection and even RSV. Poor kid. We hoped this time would be different.
Sunday started off with a debate.  Do we go to our Super Bowl party at a friends house or stay home with the boy? Nana of course came to the rescue. Emery was so excited to go to her friends house so we went and left Auggie at home. 

*Side note: I wonder how many times in my life I went to bed with those soft pink curlers poking my head. I decided to try them on Em...thinking maybe this would help curl that stick straight hair of hers. She thought they were funny. They were a FAIL. She had some weird kinks for awhile but by the end of the night her hair was straight again. I guess I will put the curlers back in the cabinet. Or maybe I will give them a go again.....* 
I immediately missed my Auggie Boy so much Sunday night. Luckily, Mom kept sending me updates. The way she described him was so on point. Happy and sad at the same time. Just breaks my heart. I remember when I was little sitting on my Dad's lap not feeling good. He told me that he wished that he was sick instead of me and that he wished he could take every pain away that I ever felt. I remember thinking he was crazy. Now I know exactly what he was talking about. And then I think about children who have spent their whole lives in hospitals and those parents. Kind of puts Auggie's yucky lungs into perspective. 

Okay---Now that I got all of those Mommy-thoughts out of the way....... 
Miss Em totally missed her Auggie Boy too. She kept asking about him and telling me he was sick and she spent a lot of her time loving on the other babies there. She is such a sweet heart. I hope she stays this way forever. 

This morning I woke up sick--fever throughout the night. Full head of gunk. Auggie and I are such a fun pair. I know mine is just a cold but I wanted to get August into the doctor before he got any worse. They are getting to know us quite well! The way the doctor explained it was you can't really diagnose an 8 month old with asthma, but that is kind of what he has. Any little cold goes straight to his lungs which isn't good. She gave us some strong steroids to knock this month's gunk out but after that it is breathing treatments and a preventative medicine for life. Okay... maybe not life, but until the weather warms up for good and we can see how long he stays healthy. She said that hopefully this yucky lung stuff is just this winter butttttt when it comes back next winter we will just go from there. 

Poor kid.

I am hoping today was us being at the bottom of the hill and that tomorrow we will breath a little easier and be a little bit more bright eyed!!


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