August Samuel~9 Months Old

Happy 9 months August Samuel! You have been a busy, busy boy this month.
You still like a 6 oz bottle from time to time but lately you seem too busy for even that--you want to play with it, toss it aside, and go. Feeding yourself sweet potatoes is still one of your favorites but honestly you would prefer water and puffs over anything. You just grin and kick when those two things are in sight. After you gagged on the carrots I had made you  the other night (the kind you have practically ate your whole life), I grabbed a container of store bought baby food a friend had given me and you devoured it. Like it was the most delicious thing you had ever eaten. So much for appreciating the time and love I put into making your food ha! You like things quick and easy--you have things to do!
You weigh 17lbs and 7oz and are 27 and a half inches long. You have not grown that much lately--this is totally due to the fact the eating now bores you and you go, go, go. One thing that has grown--that blonde curly hair of yours. It is crazy. And I love it. Recently, when we have needed to dress up a bit, I have even put gel in it. I never ever would have thought that I would be styling my 9 month old son's hair......

Little side not--more for me: Emery Kayt was 28in long and weighed 17lbs 3oz at 9 months. Both the perfect size!
Thankfully, you have been healthy this month!! I am chalking that up to God and steroid treatments--a mighty combination! Doctor listened to your little lungs forever and the verdict was they sound awesome! Having you healthy means more smiles and nights of good sleep. You don’t even mind your breathing treatments anymore--most of the time you fall asleep within the first minute or you just stare at me with this big blues.
Likes: Your number one like is to be in everything that you are not suppose to be in. You want to eat Em’s Barbies so badly. You fell into the bathtub the other day and have tried it numerous times since then (no water in it--don’t worry). You have knocked over our end tables (that we can no longer have in the room if we are keeping you haha). You get stuck in such odd places and always have at least 3 bruises on your forehead. You really really want to play with Emery’s potty chair and can somehow open all of the cabinets. To say that you are a wild one is an understatement. But we love every minute of your whirlwind.  You love to say “da-da” and your newest trick is waving bye-bye. It has always been apparent that you love your sister but now that you can kind of keep up, you are obsessed with her. Your eyes completely light up when you look at her and you don’t even really mind when she steals her toys right back.
Dislikes: Toys. Our front room is overflowing with them and you couldn’t care less. We try to entertain you with them but it seems like you really just think they are in your way. You still hate being alone and cry if you think I have left the room without you--maybe that is why you have not grown much this last month, you have been so busy following me around the house. This leads into my next fact--you still do not crawl. You go 100 miles an hour, but you do this army crawling thing with one arm and straight legs. We do not think you will ever crawl. Walking on the other hand….you love to stand up and then let go like you are just going to walk across the room. Please don’t…..I am not ready for that! You hate sitting still. Sometimes I would rather wrestle a cat in a bag (weird comparison, but that is totally how it feels) then change your clothes or diaper. We try to hand you toys to keep you still but remember….you don’t like toys. I end up sweating and just putting you down on the floor and dressing you as you go. Total body workout!

You are the light of our lives and our comedic relief. Your smile brightens my day in an instant and you keep us on our toes. We love you more than words, Auggie Boy. Happy 9 months!


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