Easter 2016

Our Easter Weekend was wonderful with an emphasis on the FULL. I am not talking about full on food or candy (because of course we were full in that department.) But my life just felt so full. Full of overflowing love for my husband and kiddos. Full of helping hands and happy smiles from our family. Full of reasons to be singing praises to our risen Savior. Just full of blessings and reminders of how gracious His love is for us.

As Doug and I climbed into bed last night we rehashed the past few days. How fun this was....how yummy that was...how good Em was....how much fun Auggie will be next year. Not one complaint about the weekend. Scrolling through facebook, it was one beautiful family after the other--which I really loved seeing. Perfect little smiles in their perfect little lives. Even my own pictures on this blog usually look like a highlight reel of our lives. But as I was kind of basking in my own "perfect" weekend, I started thinking about people who may be struggling. People who may be lonely because of loss or longing. People who pray hard everyday and deserve happiness in everything they do but that answered prayer just has not come yet. I was reminded of how much I have been given, how thankful I need to be and how amazing the power of prayer is. So I pray that if you are feeling unloved or forgotten or not "perfect" right now that you know you are loved and Jesus has amazing plans for you. He is perfect. The only true perfection. None of us would have the pictures to show or the moments to share if it were not for his love and promise!

With that being said, here are all the moments I want to remember from Easter 2016.
Saturday we celebrated Easter at my grandparent's house. The more family's you have the more celebrations. I was always reminded of the fact that because my family was the way it was, it just meant I had more people that loved me. Now my littles get to experience that love too!
Em and Grandpa Jim. I am surprised he wanted anything to do with her seeing as how she gave him her stomach flu earlier in the week. That is what you get for babysitting at the Jansen house ha!
First egg hunt of the year was a success. (And I just love that she used a Longaberger basket. Only at Gigi's house!)
I had to throw this one on here. I didn't get any pic's of August at the party. Only right before we left when he was fresh out of the bath .....which might be my favorite kind of Auggie. 
Saturday evening it was prep time for Sunday's festivities. I made cupcakes but Emery took it upon herself to be the decorator.
And the finished product folks! A little over-the-top and a whole lot of sugar. Needless to say, not many were ate at Easter. I think they were there more for their looks not their taste......
Sunday started out so beautiful. Sun was shining and church was packed which I love seeing. We attempted family pictures afterwards.....I either need a live in photographer (which come to think of it....I have two very talented friends in this area.....) or a selfie stick. We just don't fit in one picture together! After this it was quick naps, a change of clothes and we were on our way to the Jansens!
According to August, the food was excellent. Doesn't everyone take their shirt off for Easter lunch??
Emery Kayt was too busy to eat. There was sidewalk chalk....
and bubbles that were calling her name.
Ella and Riley helped Em and Katie find Easter eggs. Emery lovesssss those girls.
We snapped a picture of the grandkids (some missing) with Sam and Sue
and tried our hand at another family photo. Just look at those sleepy-eyed kids. I think August gave in to sleep right after this and Em wasn't far behind him.
I was so glad they got those little naps in because we had a house full of guests coming! Nana spoiled her girl with some spring outfits, a new umbrella and her new favorite movie, Tangled.
She told me she needed to put her umbrella in my car. Of course she has noticed that is where I keep mine ha!
Auggie was spoiled too. Not lying when I say this was the clearest picture I got of him. Too much to do and see!
August spent the rest of the night being the bigger girls' baby doll and Emery stuck by my side eating jello eggs and candy (girl after my own heart.)
We had a great nights sleep and I am enjoying my extra day of Em and Aug time now. Naps are right around the corner and I may take one myself...or start battling the multiplying Easter eggs that lay scattered around.  

I hope Easter 2016 was wonderful for you. And if it was not your idea of perfect just know that there is someone somewhere praying for you. Love is all around. I hope you can feel that.


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