Preschool and Pedialyte

This past week was a great week for Em. Wish I could say the same for Aug. Someday we will all be healthy, right??
Emery Kayt got to visit her preschool for the first time this week. It was just an open house, but I think the girl really thought that she was going to school. Em talks about school non-stop.....mainly because she has a few friends that go to school and she wants to be big like them. On the way there she told me she was going to tell her teacher that her name was Emery. When we got to school a student asked her her name and made her a name tag (which she proudly wore all night) and when we got to her classroom the teacher instantly said "Welcome  Emery!" The look on Em's face was priceless. It was a cross between "how does she know my name?" and "you stole my line, lady!" I thought she was going to give that teacher a hug right then and there. When we left we asked her what her favorite part was and she said the toys...and then they gave her a cookie and totally won her over. Toys and cookies....what is not to love about school?? I snapped this picture on the way out the door. Her smile says it all. She loved it and will love it in the fall. Baby girl is getting big!
While Wednesday was great for Em, looking back I think that is when August started going down hill. He would NOT eat. Which was weird for him, but Doug and I didn't push it. He still acted fine.....
Thursday night he woke up because he had gotten sick so it was a stay-at-home kind of Friday. He played a little but mostly slept, drank pedialyte and stayed by my side.
Nana, Emery and I had a pre-planned shopping trip on Saturday. So even though August was still a little off, we hit the road for a girl's day and left Daddy and the sickly one at home. *Realized when typing this that Emery has the same outfit on in this picture as she does her school pic ha! Apparently it is one of my favorites...who doesn't like a pink pant!?!
This picture just cracks me up. Most shops Em rode in the cart or walked. When we got to Tuscola she was asleep so we thought we would put her in the stroller. She looked like a GIANT! I mean I know she has grown and is getting bigger everyday but after taking her to school and seeing her not fit in the stroller it really hit me!
Auggie Boy enjoyed his time at home until he got sick again. The start of our day began with a picture text of Aug in the bathtub because of a diaper blowout and when I got a call about him throwing up all over the couch pillows, I knew it was time to get home to my boys. Auggie needed his Mommy and Doug needed a break ha!
This was how August and I spent Sunday. For a man that is always on the go, he was just so sleepy and sad. Normally when he is sick he stills acts fine--not this time. By Sunday night he finally ate some toast and oatmeal and first thing this morning he went and sat by where his bottles are kept and yelled at me until I gave in. So maybe we are finally better. Maybe. I sure hope so.

Hoping to be back to our regular schedules tomorrow!


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