A Little Bit of This and a Little Bit of That

Hello there. My name is Ashley Jansen and I have a blog that I haven't written for in what seems like forever. No excuse here. Well except for the almost three year old going on teenager that needs someone to constantly play princesses with her and the almost one year old (gasp!) that just needs something constantly. He isn't even sure of what he wants let alone me knowing. But I am definitely not complaining. Sun is shining, spring has sprung and I am back with a big ol' recap. 

So get ready for just lots of pictures and lots of little notes and stories. I want to remember every little thing they do. So this post might be more for me....
Wayyyy back last weekend (how can weeks go by so fast??) Nana, Em and I had a girls day. Little bit of shopping and a whole lot of yummy food. Em totally eats up having these special days. "No boys!!" Her highlight was her own frite (sprite) and cheeeeeeseburger. The girl can eat a cheeseburger. I see many girls only trips in her future...mainly because Auggie doesn't travel. More on that later.
When we got back it turned into more of a boy party--Emery and I were out numbered! We love playing with Hank and Knox. August Samuel takes in their every move-ornery and sweet (don't worry, their Mom would totally agree with that statement ha!). Doug and I love having friends that we can call at the last minute. Hoping this summer allows for lots of that.
I probably got docked a few points in the Mother of the Year Race this past week. I hit Emery smack in the head with the car door. Its not like she isn't always right behind me in everything I do. Ha! The wind was blowing, I was trying to cover Auggie up and....whack! I think it sounded worse than it actually was because she walked away with just a bruise and a "Goose" (which is what Em took to calling it when she told everyoneeee that I hit her in the head). On the way home she told me she needed a juice box because "it will get me all better...I don't need your kisses." Well played, Em. Now when we go out to get in the car she walks far away from me and says, "Don't hit me again, Mommy." I hope I can live this one down.
Just throwing this one on here. It was the last night of crazy curls. Sigh.....
But how stinking cute is this new 'do??? He did not sit still at all and I had the black pants covered in white hair to prove it.
This one makes me smile and totally takes me back to my childhood. I remember pushing Avery then jumping on top for a ride. I swear Cozy Coupes were bigger back then. Auggie loves to ride in it and Emery Kayt thinks she still fits and should ride too. Taking turns is a work in progress. 
This past Friday we hit the road right after work--we had a buddy's 1st birthday party to celebrate this weekend. We have not traveled in a while--mostly due to the fact that we spent the winter sick. As we hopped on the Interstate (still in Effingham, mind you) I was quickly reminded of the other reason we haven't traveled. August Samuel Jansen. He screamed all the way to Champaign where we made a pit-stop at a rest area. Thinking some fresh air and grass would do him some good, we set him free. Fresh air = good. Grass = very bad. The rest of the trip was spent with me squeezed in between the two kiddos, feeding Auggie anything I had packed for the weekend and singing Disney Princess songs and the alphabet on repeat. But we made it!!!
Throwing this one on here because I really, really love my boys.
I was so glad we got to celebrate Desmond--the other little blondie in my life. Hard to believe that we will be celebrating Auggie boy in two short months. 
Doug and I got to try our hand at three kiddos this weekend--we watched Orie the morning of the party and brought her along with us. I loved the chance to get a sweet little girl ready again--she is a little less bossy than Emery Kayt! Doug and I quickly realized that being out numbered is not too easy--good thing Orie is such a doll...her and Em together would have been a walk in the park. At one point Emery exclaimed, "I just like Orie even better!" As in even better than Auggie...ha! Maybe because she just smiled at her and didn't take her toys or pull her hair. I hope there are many pictures like this in the future. Best friends are pretty important.
Quick shout out to this guy for just everything.
Em and the blondies. I can't tell you how much I look forward to seeing these kiddos grow and to see more kiddos added to the bunch. I pray for theses little miracles and for more miracles daily.
Today has been a fabulous, full day. For starters, Auggie ate a wasp. Okay, kidding about that being the reason it was fabulous. Not kidding about him eating a wasp. Doug saw him chewing on something (common occurrence) and dug in to see what it was. We were a little surprised to find a dead wasp. It must have been delicious because Aug got very upset that we took it away. Protein, I guess?
Really today was fabulous and full because we got to spend it outside and with lots of family. Jansen Fest was today and by the looks of Emery's white pants (again...losing points for Mother of the Year) the day was a great, dirty day. 

Now it is time for a much needed bath. Monday is here already.
Have a good one!


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