August Samuel~10 Months

Double digits, Bud! How is this possible? In the blink of an eye my sweet baby boy is two months away from the big first birthday. He is so new to us yet makes us feel complete right now and it is hard to remember what we did before him. It is amazing how that works. Everyday new but everyday feels like we have always loved and known each other.

 You are kind of stuck in the size department. Six to nine months still fits fine and you have the shortest little legs. I think you have maybe gotten a little taller. Maybe. Don't worry, I think you are the perfect size! Your hair on the other hand…..your blond curls are crazy. It is always fun to see what kind of bedhead you are going to have after naps or in the morning. You will be getting a haircut this week, so sit still please! (According to these pictures, sitting still is impossible.)
Big news this month: You have teeth!! Two to be exact. They have just poked through and are already so cute. I wasn’t expecting teeth so soon (even though this isn’t early by any means) but Em didn’t get them until she was one and I just assumed you would follow suit. You already have the sweetest grin and those teeth are going to push me over the edge!
(I love his curled toes in this one. He always does that.) 
The biggest praise for this past month is your health! We still do a steroid treatment every night (which you have been hatinggggg all of a sudden) but beyond that you have been bright eyed and on the go--just the way we like it.
You are such a eater. If anyone is eating you have a fit until you are too. When we get home from school, Emery Kayt always has a snack and now you think you deserve one too--you sit in the corner of the kitchen where all of that is kept and yell until I finally give in. You love water in your sippy, goldfish and baby cookies for a treat and so far you will eat anything. Messiest eater ever, but I am happy you have such an appetite and love it all.  
One of my favorite little things you do is wave. Right hand, left hand, both hands. When I pick you up at Nancy’s you just go crazy with the waves. You spend the rest of your time crawling in super-speed, squealing at the top of your lungs and getting into trouble. 
Your favorite time (besides breakfast, lunch and supper) is bath time. You. Go. Nuts. I cannot wait to swim this summer. (Okay really it already makes me nervous and tired to think about, but you are going to love it so, so much.)
You are a good sleeper, a good eater and give the sweetest, most slobbery kisses. You are also a whirl-wind and ornery and impatient. I love with each month comes more Auggie personality. We love you August Samuel. Happy Ten Months!


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