Our Family~Spring 2016

I have very talented friends...especially in the photography department. I have been lucky enough to have two of my best friends capture little family moments for me. And I owe them.

 I want to freeze Emery and August at this exact age. Emery is two going on a teenager. She is the sweetest, silliest, smartest little girl. I never ever have to worry about her behaving when we are out and about. She is much sassier at home but I secretly like those moments of spunk--mostly because I love the big hug and sweet-voiced "Sorry, Mommy" when we have calmed down and talked things out. She has a heart for her baby brother, loves anything princess and thinks her Daddy is the funniest. She likes to have her fingernails painted like me so we match and always needs a napkin at supper so she can put it on her lap because she is a "yaydeeee." She made me a mommy and she is growing up way too fast. I want to keep her just the way she is but I also dream about her growing up and doing the things she already loves and talks about. I am already so proud of her....I can't imagine what the next years and years and years are going to be like.

Auggie is a whirl-wind. A curl-headed, biggest-grin-you-ever-saw, whirl-wind and I could not be any more in love. I have fallen so hard for this little boy. I want to keep him crawling and yelling da-da even when I know he can say ma-ma. We fit so perfect together--every night we just fall into each other and I have never felt anything more right in the world. I know he won't always want to cuddle but I hope he knows that he will always fit--his head right on my heart. 

2.5 and almost 10 months is a sweet spot. They play together, talk to each other, worry about each other, frustrate each other--the perfect brother/sister duo. And now I have some pictures that capture just that. Thank you Sharon for capturing this sweet spot. I will cherish them forever! 

Love them. Lots and lots.


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