Time for Tea With Emery

I knew this was going to be a wonderful weekend.
For starters, I had Friday off and decided it should be a me-day. Kids went to Nancy's and I took my time running errands, ironed clothes for an upcoming trip, mopped my (really) dirty floors and still had time to get my nails and toes done with two friends and go out to lunch. What a treat!!
Just this past week it seems like August is doing so much more and we are guilty of giving him a lot of attention. Em has been feeling that. Auggie was practicing walking the other night and Emery said "Mommy, Mommy, Mommy...." until I finally looked at her. 

Me: "What, Emery?"
Em: "Watch me. I can walk too!!!"
Me: Blank stare. (Thinking maybe it is time for some extra Em attention.....)

So Friday night, Em and I went out for supper and checked out the venue for the tea party. 
August Samuel must not have gotten the memo about the fabulous, fun weekend. Friday night for him equaled a 103 fever and a cool bath. I don't think its teeth. I don't think its ears. I just have no idea. I am not too worried about him today. Fever is down and he got totally spoiled by Sharon. Lets hope that we are on the mend because the fun has just begun.
While Auggie stayed home with Shar, Em, Nana and I went to a fancy tea party today! My niece Kelsey was in a CEO class and put on this event to raise money for Blessings in a Backpack. I hope Kelsey knows that she put on the cutest little event. We had a blast! All of the following smiles are proof.
Emery painted a tea cup and saucer. I figured this event was for her....let her paint her little heart out! So while it might not have won most beautiful, I love that she loves it!
The next station was a dance one. And I am not going to lie....this was my favorite! Nana, Em and I were partners and we totally rocked it. We dance a lot at home and it was fun to see Emery pick up on the moves and twirl that polka dot dress of hers.
Emery also decorated a cookie (and ate said cookie). Note that there are more sprinkles and icing than cookie. We also made a tea pot picture frame and had our picture taken. I will cherish all of it because Em made it!
Today was extra special because Grandma Susie was there too! She was Nora's date.
How lucky is Miss Em that she has two of the most wonderful Grandmas! Or in Emery's words, "Nana is my Nana and Grandma Susie is my Grandma Susie!"
We ended the day "modeling" for a fashion show. A.k.a walking with Ella and kind of smiling at all of the people."Fashion Show" is now our new favorite word. 

"Is this my fashion show bow?"
"Is it time for the fashion show again?"

I melted over this outfit. Over the top and lacy. Emery asked me if it was made out of "wood"....I think she meant brown. Don't worry, Douglas....I didn't buy anything.
We finished the morning with snacks and tea, of course! Actually, Em had lemonade....but she was obsessed with drinking out of the tea cup. She came home and took a two hour nap (after all of the sugar wore off) and is now practicing her dance and asking about the fashion show again. 

It is safe to say that she loved it. We have two more big events this weekend so I hope things are just as wonderful the rest of the weekend!


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