Memorial Day Weekend

We spent most of Memorial Day Weekend outside. While it was beautiful this past weekend, that was not the real reason. Real reason--our air conditioning is broken (and so is the pipe that drains our shower, and the lawnmower.....I think that is it for now.) So instead of dwelling on all of the fixes and expenses, we headed out the door!
First stop was the ballpark. Doug and I admit to not being the greatest Uncle and Aunt when it comes to cheering on our nieces and nephews. We talked about going to a Newton baseball game to watch Mitch and Zach all season.....and we made it to their last game. Emery and Katie stayed busy together.

And Doug and I took turns wrestling this one until Aunt Vicki got him and he magically went to sleep. She needs to tell me her secret! Doug worked on the pool when we got home. Admitting now that I was nervous about this. Everything seems to be going south around here (did I mention Douglas cut out a huge chunk out of our basement ceiling last night?) so I just knew something was going to go wrong with the pool. Surprise! Doug had it up and running in no time and so far so good. Just too cold. The only other thing planned for Saturday was the yard. Doug had been gone for a week so it needed some attention. When we got home from the ballgame, it had magically been mowed!!! We have no idea who did this. Thinking maybe our next door neighbor who knew things were on the quits here. So thank you, whoever. It helped us out a lot! We will have to pay it forward.
Sunday is when the house started to get HOT. Luckily Chuck had invited us out to the lake to go boating! Emery is an old pro at this--she has been boating with "Uncle Chuck" since she was younger than Auggie. She would sit still and smile and eventually fall asleep on my lap. The same could be said for three years later!
August Samuel was about the opposite. Don't get me wrong, he loved it. But for about the first 15 minutes. Then he wanted up and down and OUT! I kept telling him how wonderful a nap would be on my lap, moving with the waves, breeze in his hair....he never took me up on it. 
Chuck's family cooked us supper--which is always the yummiest--and we were home just in time for bedtime. Em wanted to swim but I was too chicken....I like warm water! Maybe next time.
Monday we tried to keep things cool but we desperately needed to do laundry--running a dryer all day just does wonders for keeping your house cool....
So Daddy went and bought us a little pool to enjoy!
August is a wild man in the bathtub, just a fish. So we kind of assumed he would be the same in the baby pool. The little spoiled boy thought it was too cold ha! He clung to Doug or I and didn't want his little belly wet. By the time Emery was done and Doug had gotten out, the water must have warmed up enough because then he was ready to play!
I am excited about swimming with my girl this summer. I lived in the pool when I was little. I loved it and still do. Emery asks about three times a day if we can swim in the pool yet so there is hope that she will be a little fish too!
By the time we grilled a yummy supper and took baths, Auggie couldn't keep his eyes open another second. Emery Kayt was nearly impossible to wake up this morning. I think the weekend officially wore them out. Today I sent them off to Nancy's because I am only fun so many days and they missed her. Plus, I really need to start in on my to-do list....
We have a first birthday to celebrate soon!!!!!


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