
Looking back through my weekly pictures I can usually come up with a theme or writing idea that fits the whole post. This week I got nothin'. No ideas. Nothing touching to say. This writing block is directly correlated with the fact that school starts in a couple of weeks and my carefree, easy going summer is about brain is going into fight or flight mode. It really wants to start thinking about school and lesson plans and it also wants to stare blankly at the pool. Or Auggie's cute face. Confession: I love my job but hate this time of year. I feel like I have a million things to do and doing those things is the last thing I want to do. I just want to hold on to that summer feeling for a little bit longer.
Let's just keep rolling with the confessions this week.....
Confession: I am obsessed with Auggie Boy. He gets away with more than I ever let Em get away with. He is wild and loud and exhausting and I just enjoy sitting back and watching him. I think he is the cutest little boy ever (I know I am partial) and I like to daydream about what life will be like when he is three. (For starters---Will he have teeth? Will he even attempt to say a word? So far neither are looking promising...)
Confession: Speaking of three.....I had always been told that the saying "terrible twos" was a lie. Truth. Twos ain't got nothing on the threes. Em wants to argue and argue and I just refuse too argue with a three year old. Well, really I catch myself arguing back and then am mad at myself for even starting that. This last week I was just frustrated with everything Em did so instead of praying for God to straighten her up, I tried a different approach and prayed for patience for myself. I really worked on being a little bit more patient and understanding and guess helped!! That doesn't mean I didn't bite my tongue or roll my eyes (yes...I have rolled my eyes behind my daughters back....does that make me terrible?) But we had a much better week. Also, I love Emery and her being three. The tears of frustration and the tears of overwhelming love go hand in hand. 
Confession: I LOVE being home with the kids in the summer....but I also LOVE Nancy Days. The kids go to Nancy's once a week and I would be lying if I said I didn't enjoy the quiet house, the afternoon of no toy pick up. I usually make up a big to do list only to fall asleep on the couch or lay by the pool. As much as I love it, I can't wait to get them in the afternoon. It is amazing how quickly I can miss them. 
Confession: If it were up to me, we would stay in our pjs all day and the kids would both just sit on my lap. All day. I beg them both to just come over here and cuddle. Auggie still will for about .2 seconds. Em will only do it right after a nap. I usually put clothes on Aug first thing in the morning, but for some reason Em and I can often be found still in our jammies the rest of the day. The girl loves a night gown and I do not blame her. I love my pink robe. So I guess no surprises if you pop in sometime.
Confession: I am obsessed with tea. I am sure I drink too much of it.
 Bring me a Mcdonald's un-sweet tea in a foam cup and we will be best friends.
Confession: Swimming counts as bathing in my book. At least for the kids. Chlorine has to be stronger than soap, right? I would do the same but it isn't great on my hair. Instead I stick Em in front of her tablet (for too long I am sure...that's another confession) and I try to get everything I need to get done before Auggie melts down or in the case of this week, joins me! 
Confession: I don't have great body image. I have been holding on to 10lbs I would like to lose for too long and it annoys me more than it should. I can proudly say I worked out everyday last week though! That is a huge step for me and I am going to continue to keep it up. Also, shout out to Douglas for making me feel pretty.  
Confession: I love a schedule and rules but that all goes out the window in the summer. We stay up late and sleep in. We eat ice cream for supper. We try to celebrate any little thing we can. Perhaps I need to start preparing us for the real world again.....the kiddos have gotten used to this summer life!

Last Confession: This Monday has me wishing it was still Sunday. I need to go get my work out in while the kids nap. I need to be thinking about what is for supper. And I really might just start working on school stuff...the ideas are flowing and I have too many tabs open in my brain right now.

Have a great week!


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