What A Week!!

Birthday week 2016 is almost in the books (we have LOTS of fun planned for this weekend) and I don't want to forget any of it. We haven't traveled anywhere or done anything spectacular, we have just tried to make everyday a little special. My girl deserves it!

Monday: Donut and Dentist Day
It's not birthday week without a donut and candle first thing Monday morning. I love this picture of Em because there is still sleep in her eyes and her sweetness is shining through. Counting back, I think she blew out seven candles this week....and her birthday isn't until Saturday ha!
We had to get our sugar in early because Em's first dentist appointment was that morning! My girl was cautiously excited....because how excited can you really get for the dentist.... 
Since the dentist is in the same building as Doug's job, he got to join us. Em wanted us both there to hold her hands.
But my big girl didn't need us to hold her hands! She did soooo good and loved it all. The hygienist and dentist were so sweet to her too. 
We buzzed home to show Nana our new pearly whites, threw on our bathing suits and headed to the beach! How sweet is this picture? Em and Aug are getting more and more fun together (although she told me the other day that she liked it better when Auggie was a little baby ha!) Em was brave and swam in the deep with Nana and collected shells. Auggie ate rocks.
Monday was a big day!

Tuesday: Dance, Movie and Meltdown Day
Look at my little Princess Ballerina! Em had her first "camp" this week. She wasn't too sure about being dropped off and staying by herself but after she got there and thought I had left (secretly I was hiding behind the door) she was the first to tell a big story about her princess crown at home. I would love to have been a fly on the wall and watched her the whole time.
Because the morning started off so well and I figured she was hot and worn out from camp (and because I wanted a smoothie) we went to Joe Sippers for the first time. Mistake. Auggie sucked on goldfish and then let them run out of his mouth onto the floor. Totally on purpose. Such a gross boy thing to do. And Emery decided right then that she wasn't going to listen to anything I said that day. Instead she was going to lay on the dirty floor (remember her brother, the drooler) and not want her smoothie but also not want me to throw it away. We should have went home and went straight to naps.....
But instead we headed to the movies. Because birthday week. And because I am a sucker for a large popcorn and an Emery pout. She was a good girl at the movie.....but how hard is it to be good at the movie, right?
And remember I said Auggie Boy wasn't going back to the movies until he was twelve. I lied. Nana and I braved it and he fell asleep half way through! (Can you spot the new fang tooth in his grin? Why do I have vampire children????)
The movie was cute and I was quickly forgetting about the crazy show from earlier. And then neither kids took naps and allllll went down hill from there. I thought we were going to have to cancel birthday week.....

Wednesday: Library and Love Day
After a major heart-to-heart and an empty threat to cancel her birthday and take back all of her presents (parenting at it's finest), my sweet Emery and a little-less-crazy Auggie made Wednesday a great day!
After dance we went straight to the library for some air-conditioned fun. Nana and Em crafted and made a cute lightening bug.
And August ran approximately 100 miles up and down the aisles of books.
The library is my new favorite place for Aug. He just goes and I know the worst thing he can do is lick a kids toy or pull out a few books that I have to put back. Easy!
Auggie had met a little friend and watched her every move. When she left she randomly layed down on the carpet to give the fish a hug bye. As she walked out the door, Aug ran right over and did the exact some thing.....this boy always makes me laugh.
Em and I finished the afternoon up with some princess books in the sun. I loved her little reactions and giggles and I am sure Nana enjoyed chasing Auggie a little more too.

Thursday: Princess and Presents Day
Thursday was the last day of camp. Doug came at the end to surprise Em and we got to watch the dance she learned. It was the cutest little thing ever.
They had a princess there for the girls to meet and Em couldn't take her eyes off her. She told me she was "a reeeeeaal princess" and was so proud of her crown and shirt she got to take home. We were so proud of her!
Dora, Heath and Hannah can't make it to Em's birthday party so they decided we should have a pre-party. They brought yummy food and cake....and of course presents! They didn't need to bring anything, Em would have been happy just having Hannah there. (She might have finished the night crying because Hannah couldn't spend the night....)
When Em was one, Hannah hand-sewed her a little pillow for her baby doll. This year the two girls picked out the material together and Hannah sewed her a big pillow! Em looooves it and is calling it her "Mooobie Watching" pillow.
Auggie, needing to be front and center, also showed his love for the pillow.
D won over Em's heart with a box full of her very own Shopkins! Dora asked for my permission to buy these silly little things and because Em has been very protective of them (and Auggie hasn't ate one yet) I said yes. I thought she was getting a few. I should have known better. In D style, I swear she about bought them all!
We finished the night with cake and blowing out candles (we blew them out twice and let Auggie blow one out too. Birthdays only come once a year, folks!). I know Em has a had a great week because she has told me so. Which just reminds me again of how big she is getting. She has been so fun to celebrate and I can't wait for the rest of the weekend.

Happy Birthday Week, Emery Kayt!


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