Our New Normal

I am very happy to announce that our new normal is rocking. Bedtimes are back (without a fight), mornings are less rushed, kids are happy, school is going great and the weather is perfect for after supper strolls. Almost too good to be true!

How about a little recap?
Friday night we headed T-town way to celebrate Doug's sister, Cheryl. It was a total surprise birthday party all planned out by her kiddos (who you can tell totally adore their mother.) Em had fun playing with cousins and August walked approximately 409384023948 miles. There was another little girl there also born in June and she sat so sweetly on her Mommy's lap. Reminded me of Em when she was that age. Instead my kid is over there open-mouth kissing the dog and ended the night with his first bloody nose. My Auggie-Boy. 
Saturday morning I HAD to go and work a little at school so Douglas took the kids to Menards with him. A Saturday morning with Daddy is not complete without a donut so there was a pit-stop too. Doug said he told them to say "Cheese" and that is the face Aug gave him...which just totally made my morning!
There is no wrong way to eat a donut, right?? Icing first just like her Momma!
I am not sure what Auggie does all day at Miss Sharon's but I am guessing it involves playing non-stop. He has been in such a good mood lately but when bedtime hits....bedtime HITS. On the weekends I don't lay him down (and I never will....as in when he is a teenager I am going to try to hold him.) As wild as he is, he is my cuddle-kid. 
This is the scene at our house this week. Poor boy just can't keep up!
I am so proud of my girl this week. She has been such a help with Auggie, bedtime is back with no problems (yay nightlight!) and she is loving Miss Sharon's. I have to tell you a little story about the Minnie Mouse shoes in the picture. 
I loathe character clothes or shoes or decorations or whatever. I don't want anything to light up. I don't want glitter or gaudy. So Emery is of course drawn to the gaudiest, glitteriest, girly thing in any store. The kids go back and forth from outside to inside at Miss Sharon's and I wanted to find some fall shoes that Em could put on/off herself. Whatever to make my life/Sharon's life easier. As I am making her try on boring shoes (and she is complaining that she can't do it) a little Minnie Mouse box caught my girls eye. She HAD to try them on. I told her if she could put them on allllll by herself, she could maybe have them. She plopped right down, strapped them on and did a fancy walk down the aisle. That is when we discovered they lit up too! You should have seen her face.
So Nana bought them haha....I told her these were her one and only.
Fall shoes will have to wait.
Maybe my favorite new normal is this weather and the hours we get to spend outside in the evening without sweating. Outside is Auggie's passion so getting him out in that fresh air keeps him happy until he crashes. I love wagon walks. I love where we live (like a lot). And I love my littles (like a lot, a lot). So all is well here. Our new normal is rocking. Thankfully.

Hope your's is going well too! 


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