
I have laid awake at night thinking about what I should call this post. How do I do a regular little recap of our last week of summer AND try not to miss every little thing Emery Kayt said or all of the new stuff Aug is learning these days....all while attempting to wrap up this amazing summer and tell you all about our new year ahead? My mind is going to jump, there is too much I want to remember. So I decided to go untitled. That way I can do whatever I want......
I am going to go wayyyy back to last Monday. It feels like forever ago. Technically I didn't start school until this week but a teacher's year always starts sooner than that. I enjoyed the first couple of days with the kids, but then it was GO time. I never got in the pool by myself with the kids this summer but Auggie MUST go outside so we made use of our deck and the new water tables. I have learned that it takes me more time to put them in swimsuits than we actually play outside so most deck-plays were spent in panties for Em.
And my fair-skinned child? Fully clothed. Hat included. Oh...and he also has socks on that you can't see. No sunburns for us!
My sweet, sweet girl. Em is NOT a cuddler, never has been. I beg for her to come sit on my lap or give me a hug and I usually get a giggly no. She also usually wants Daddy. I don't know if she can sense the return of school or what but boy has that changed lately. She CLINGS to me. Wants me to sleep with her (we will get into the sleeping chaos later). Must have her Mommy! And while I love that.....guess who else has claimed me as their's? August Samuel. I have always been number one in his heart (and I LOVE it.) The other day Em was having a moment (she has been having them often....three is hard) and she was sitting on my lap hugging me around my neck. Auggie. Lost. It. Screamed, stomped, laid down and kicked with his face in the carpet. Finally I grabbed him (with Em still on my lap) and the little stinker pushed and pushed trying to knock his sister off my lap. By the end I had a busted lip and all three of us were crying. And then Daddy walked in.....welcome home, Honey!
This one. I have no idea what I am doing with this one but I want to eat him I love him so much. 
The last fun day of the summer was spent where it should have been spent...at the pool! Bonus: It was Disney day!
Emery went down her favorite slide a million times and I swear she posed and smiled like this every time too.
Auggie made the executive the decision that he was just as big as the other kids and could slide with the best of them. Not quite as coordinated as Em ha! He would slide down however he happened to go and hop right up to go again! Now we just need to learn the concept of not butting in line.
I have been a little under the weather this week and the kids knew it. I'm pretty sure I haven't cooked an actual meal in a week and I have gone to bed by 9:30. I play and pick up toys...that is about it. Miss Em wanted to help me the other night and decided she would sweep. Its these times that I think she is so darn big. Oh, and we had our first school parents meeting too....that'll make you feel like your baby is really big! At the same time lately, she has been struggling. Soooooo emotional. Questions everything, Not listening, Blah, blah, blah. It has driven me nuts! But I came to a realization the other night while staring at her sweet almost-sleeping face. She is still a baby. She is only three. Yes, she has always been so easy and good therefore that is what I expect. But that is a lot to put on a little girl. I have bad days and I am (almost) 28. So I am back to praying for patience and understanding and we have been trying new things at bedtime and all of the other times we have struggled lately. I think being back on a schedule is going to help too.  
And while I am trying to dive deep into Em's head and figure out how to parent a three year old, Auggie Boy is sucking on highlighters and spinning in circles. I love his age. I have always said that he is over the top--happy or sad. He is our blur. He finally is getting some teeth and he only says "HI". He loves baseballs and hit his sister in the face with a baseball bat this morning. He eats everything but applesauce and is still spoiled rotten. And I am really, really going to miss him through the day.
Sunday ALL the Jansens were home so we took a new family picture. Em was the baby in the last one taken so it was time. Kim took this cool picture of the 25 grandkids from oldest to youngest. Also note that siblings are wearing the same color. I love this picture. What I love even more are the 23 kids that aren't mine but that are. They are babysitters, friends and role models. I can't help but think about the fact that the struggles I am having with Em or the questions I have about Aug....they have all been experienced before. I have a bank of knowledge and love when it comes to my in-laws. And I thank them for raising such awesome kids and loving mine the way they do!
So this sleep thing. Emery has always been a rock-star sleeper. Bragging on her is coming back to bite us. All of a sudden, night-time is hard. She doesn't like her room. She doesn't like her bed. She wants one of us to lay down with her. After we think she is asleep she slams the door and comes running out. UGH. All I can think of is that she is not liking the D-A-R-K  (we spell it in our house because I don't want her to think something is wrong with the D-A-R-K.) The other day I was talking to her about praying and I said that we can pray anywhere and that Jesus can hear us because he is here with us. Everywhere. She did NOT like that. She insisted that he was only at church and after some back and forth I just dropped the subject. That night I laid down with her (which we are attempting to quit again) and I reminded her that we can sleep so good and peacefully because Jesus is watching over us. Before I knew it, she SHOT out of bed and out of her room all upset. I realized that maybe the thought of some guy being in her room with her at night was not the most comforting....so begging her to go back to bed and totally going back on everything I said, I told her what she wanted to hear.....Don't worry Em, Jesus is only at church. I guess this concept was just a little much. We also bought a fancy nightlight that she is very proud of. Auggie also is obsessed with it and tries to blow it out like a candle. The past two nights have been betterish.....we will see!
Do I even have a normal picture of Auggie??
Today was officially the first day of our new normal. For me it was the first day with students. For Em and Aug, it was the first day with Miss Sharon. You are probably thinking, "who??" Miss Nancy is starting a new journey and my kiddos will miss her so much and so will I. We wish her luck and the kids want to come play sometime. With that being said, our blessing in disguise has been Miss Sharon! God really does always have a plan. Miss Sharon lives right down the road, we know a few other families that go there and Emery might have asked to spend the night at her house the first time we met her ha! When we walked in the door, Em was greeted with a hug and I knew right then she was going to have the best day. She will be the only big girl so I told her she needed to always help Sharon. My girl turned around and later told Nana that she was going to be "in charge!"
Good grief.
While I don't think Miss Sharon will have her hands full with Emery, I do think she will with Auggie ha! But he will fit right in with all the boys and is going to love it. I just feel really happy about our new routine. 
Last year vs. this year. Woah. 
Doug wanted to take my first day picture. And yes, I sat in the little seat too. Doug always asks the "So.....how are you feeling about going back to school....." question. As much as I will miss this summer, the summer of Auggie's head on my chest. The summer of staying up late. The summer of two birthdays and ice cream treats and parks and pools. I am really looking forward to this fall. For starers, can a girl get some cooler weather and less humidity?!?! But I can't wait to throw on a sweatshirt after supper and go for a stroll with my littles. I can't wait for impromptu fires with friends and Friday night football games and living for the weekends again. I have a great group of kids at school, feel even closer with my fellow teachers and am excited about what I get to try/teach this year. 

Not going to lie, I feel overwhelmed. I am way behind on housework and have lots to do for school but without my all day Em and Aug time, all I am going to want to do is sit on the floor and have them hang on me when I get home. And that is what I am going to do or at least try to do for awhile.  

Everyone going back to school or starting a new normal.....good luck and enjoy!!


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