The Great Pumpkin Patch~2016

All of a sudden we are soooo into fall. Emery has been asking if it is "Halloween Day" all week and big beautiful mums have been calling my name. We headed to The Great Pumpkin Patch for our third annual pumpkin picking day....couldn't think of a better way to spend a gorgeous Sunday afternoon.
First stop: The Big Bench. I had a total Mom moment when I looked back through pictures at the end of the day. I totally teared up when I saw this one. My babies look so happy. This was before the treats, before the fun. And they are beaming. Those smiles are my world.
Can't forget to say a big thank you to Nana! She treated us to our pumpkins and I know she loves these little pumpkins.
Auggie was literally shaking with excitement after the first picture. Our plan was to let him run and explore and that he did (you will notice the dirty face and sleepy eyes later on.)
Emery was all about posing with anything and everything. All of the patch was picture worthy in her eyes (hence the random haystack monster thing above.) It seemed like she remembered a few things from last year which I love. I hope she starts remembering these annual trips and traditions and looks back on them as fondly as I do.

My girl-2014, 2015, 2016. And Doug and I remember our first trip just as well as we remember today. We laughed at the fact that Em didn't smile the whole time back then and was too shy to do the kid maze and Auggie ran around with the goofiest grin today and attempted the maze as fast as he could and as many times as he could.

My boy-2015, 2016. He was the sweetest little bundle last year and is now my man on the go.
Em liked the old school desks. Just imagine how many sweet little girls have sat in those seats over the many, many years. Our girl is pumped about this week of school because she is a snack bringer!
Next year, Buddy. You will be bigger!
I think the maze was Aug's favorite part. He followed Emery through but then got separated and tried and tried on his own with no success. He even followed some other kid for awhile. (Did I mention I dressed him in bright red so I could find him easily? #momtrick)

Along with the maze we enjoyed the animals, all the pumpkins, live music and pumpkin ice cream. It was finally time to head to the patch and pick the perfect pumpkins!
Auggie and I went one way, Doug went another and Emery chased after Nana, shooting down any pumpkin option she showed her. Aug and I found one right away that was the perfect little boy pumpkin. I decided that if he could lift it, he could keep it! The rest of the afternoon was him trying to keep up and tripping over pumpkins vines. I don't know if Em ever found the perfect pumpkin....I think she was overwhelmed. She just shouted lots of "Look here, Mommy!" and "That's a good one, Daddy!"
I loved Emery's excitement when she got her long awaited for Pumpkin Cup. I loved watching Auggie's eyes light up when he was the animals (and I loved the pumpkin ice cream.) But most of all, I loved turning around and seeing my kiddos walking along together. I am loving their relationship right now. He thinks he is just as big as she is and she is the perfect big sister--she worries about him and always wants him to be happy and then she is really annoyed with him. This cycle is on repeat all day long and it just cracks me up. Funny of the week: she called him "August September" instead of August Samuel. Those pre-K classes are kicking in and I can see why there would be the confusion ha!
By the end of the day, dirt covered Auggie could barely keep his eyes open and Emery was walking pretty slow. It was time to go. And you probably guessed it...they were both asleep before we left the parking lot.
The day was probably full enough, but Em wanted happy pumpkins and was ready to get the "gunk" out of them when we got we carved! She was all talk at first and did not want to get her hands dirty (and under his breath Douglas might have called her "such a girl....") but then she tried it and proved him wrong. She was proud of getting out the gunk!
Auggie barely touched his pumpkin. He kind of studied it and watched us for a little bit before he was just done. That car nap was not long enough. Doug and I probably set a record for the fastest carving of four pumpkins ever.
But we are pretty proud of those pumpkins. Doug always goes scary, I went goofy, Emery wanted a plain smiley face and I gave Auggie's a little smirk just like he has. Honestly, I think Em's favorite part of the whole carving thing was putting the candles in and lighting them. Auggie just wanted to blow them out really bad (ever since birthday candles, he has this thing about blowing candles and lights out.) 

Our great pumpkin day was a success. I am so thankful that Doug and I are able to create traditions and share sweet memories with our little family. These days are special and I cherish them.

I also cherish Mondays off  and a free day with my littles. Praying for a good week for everyone...happy Monday!


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