Weekday Moments and Weekend Memories

During the school year, we live for the weekends. But I also love it when special little moments pop up during the week. Those moments are the ones I really want to remember. It seems like they get passed up by supper dishes and must-have baths which is understandable because that is just life. But recently I have been reminded to take it slow again-to make every weekday moment and weekend memory count. 
I have had a couple of favorite Em moments lately. She is getting too big too fast and while being three is hard stuff, I love the little lady she is becoming. Her and I went on a "date"--she likes using this term and giggles when it is said. Our date consisted of a Wal-mart trip-just the two of us. I even let her push the cart! (Which now is backfiring because she thinks she can just walk at any given store versus ride. Opps.) Anyway, the date was special because she got to pick out snacks and juice to take to school. She picked honey Teddy Grahams, Frozen fruit snacks and apple juice and was beaming when we left. Funny: I am trying to do the self-check out and all of a sudden Em is grabbing and beeping stuff right across the scanner. Like she self-check outs all the time.
She did it again the next time we went shopping. I am over here trying to make sure Auggie is not jumping out of the cart and check out and I hear a beep next to me...the girl is buying stuff. No big deal ha!
Without asking, I know Doug's favorite moment of the week. He got to spend the entire morning helping out in Emery's classroom on her treat day. How excited and proud does she look in this picture? We have both been dying to be a fly on the wall at school. Em tells us about her day but half of it doesn't make sense. Now we know what to ask about. I was of course hanging on every word Doug had to tell me and may have been a little jealous...good thing I get to help out next week on a field trip. Super pumped! I am very thankful that our bosses and jobs allow us to put family first. Doug and I wouldn't want to miss these moments for anything.
Another favorite Em moment is quickly becoming one of our favorite past-times. I come from a line great bakers. I have always thought Aunt Linda, D and my Mom are the best bakers in the world. It is something that I have always enjoyed doing with my family and that is rubbing off on Em without me even realizing it. All the girl wants to do is sit on the counter and help cook. I could tell her no. Get down. Just get it done. But instead we get out every bowl and spoon and spatula (she calls them all spatulas.) And we stir and spill everything. This week she realllly wanted to make Halloween treats-a week early, but who is counting? I grabbed an egg to start cracking and she snatched it right out of my hands."I can do it! I can do it!" I started to talk her out of it but decided what the heck....how big of a mess can she make? She tap, tap, tapped the bowl. Crunched her little fingers down onto the cracking shell and out came the egg. Three eggs later and I only had to pick out one tiny piece of shell. That night as we gave kisses she whispered to me, with the biggest smile on her face, "I am the best egg cracker, Mommy."
I know you are, Em. 
With all of these Emery pictures, I thought I had better add an Auggie one. I am not lying when I say every single one from the last week looks like this. Eyes closed, goofy grin, pure ornery. Auggie is my sunshine and my laughter. All of sudden he just seems so big. He is finally attempting to talk and surprises us every day with something he knows. He has been getting up early in the mornings lately, making it nearly impossible to get ready because he must be touching me or whatever it is I am touching. No Auggie, you cannot play with the curling iron. And just as I am reaching my frustration level, he mimics me trying to put my just-out-of-the-dryer pants on. Come on ladies....you know the little jump and shimmy you have to do. Watching a one year old little boy do the same thing might be the funniest thing in the world. Like I said, my sunshine and my laughter. 
My weekend was filled with a little extra sunshine and laughter. I got to see the other little blondie in my life along with his parents and the rest of my favorite people. The Jansen's, the Schackmann's, the Crane's and the Kennell's finally got together in what seems like forever. 
We all met in Urbana for breakfast and then spent the afternoon at Curtis Orchard. These little animals loved everything about it!
Auggie is our animal lover. He mimics them all (and they all kind of sound the same to be honest) and gets so excited around them. He loved feeding the goats and may have tried some of the food too.
Emery, being our less adventurous kiddo, totally shocked us at the orchard. We get near the ponies and she announced that she wanted to ride one. I told her to tell her Dad and kind of rolled my eyes at the idea. There was no way she would really go through with it. Tickets were bought and she hopped right on and told Doug to go away. "I will just do it myself." She was so comfortable and proud. She waved and trotted around like she was an old pro. I underestimated her. At the end of the day we still had some tickets to spend and Doug talked her into a huge inflatable slide. Again, I thought no way. She did it twice by herself. After that she had three tickets to spend and saw this bounce house/obstacle course thing. To my knowledge, she hates bounce houses. Wrong. She concurred it all three times. 
On the way home she said she needed to eat some green beans when she got home so she could get bigger. And to that I said, "Who are you and what have you done with my Emery??"
Besides all of that action, we spent the rest of the afternoon marching through the pumpkin vine trails and looking at the scenery. Chatting about this and that and just enjoying each other.
Our day would not be complete without a group shot. I love this bunch. I love these babies and their Daddies.
And I really love their Mommies. My girls. Kendra mentioned that we never ever get a picture of just the four of us. I think they look so beautiful here. I have one hanging up on my fridge that is from Kaci's wedding shower. Now I can't wait to add this one. Life has changed so much since my old picture. So many seasons and moments and memories. When I look at this picture all I see is who I want my daughter to be. So strong, so faithful, so compassionate, so beautiful inside and out. 
I of course wish I could spend more weekday moments and create more weekend memories with them, but for now I will be happy until we meet up again. 

Ladies--every night you are in my prayers, each for your own reason, besides me thanking God for you. And the best part is I know the love you have for me. Such a special feeling--exactly what I hope my girl can find in a few friends someday.

So here is to attempting to slow down, enjoying the little moments and saying I love yous.
You know....the stuff that really matters!


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