August Samuel~18 Months Old

Can you really be a 18 months old, Auggie? A year and a half! The saying that time flies when you are having fun really is true when it comes to you. You bring so much joy to our lives (and gray hairs.) What have you been up to, Buddy?
We can’t really say that you are growing leaps and bounds. You weigh 23lbs 14 oz and are 31 inches tall. Kind of scrawny but kind of perfect. You still have white-blonde hair and hated your haircut the last time we got it done. It grows fast so you are going to have to get over that. You are up to 12 teeth--four of them just came through. I love your big-gap grin.
Your talking has really taken off. Or should I say your attempt at talking. You will say anything we say but rarely is it close to right ha! You know lots of animal sounds that just crack us up and I wonder how many times a day you say “Mama.” That is one thing Daddy and I have talked about-Em never called us by name but you say Mama and Dada soooo much. You also say Nana and Bapa (grandpa) and try really hard to say Emery. Other words include: Elmo, bottle, snack, banana, cheese, bath and thank you (this is the cutest one!!!) Another favorite thing of mine is when you are a monster. You will hide and jump out and RAWRRR as loud as you can and then you smile that silly smile of yours. You think you are pretty funny.
You learn something new everyday and a lot of that has to do with watching Emery and the big kids at daycare. You are into picking up toys now, you put your shoes away for me, you seem to know where everything is and you are not afraid of pulling a kitchen chair over and climbing up to get to wherever you want to get.
I still rock you to sleep because I just love it and I have spoiled you with this. Now I will put you in my arms, take your paci out and say “Give me a night-night kiss” and you pucker up, kiss me and start to close your eyes. I think you know the routine! You are a good sleeper-you go to bed at 8 and wake up around 7--Mommy can’t complain! We are getting you your own pillow and homemade Elmo pillowcase for Christmas in hopes that you will start laying down on your own (but that means I will have to actually lay you down…..)

You love milk in a bottle (again….I never took them out of the cabinet so we just keep using them…) but you also like to try to drink out of whatever Em and I have. You would eat a banana for breakfast, lunch and supper if I let you. Other than bananas I don’t know if you have a favorite because you will eat anything. You ask for cheese, marshmallows and granola bars but I just think that is because you see Em with those things.
(Told you he loves bananas....this was the only way I got him to cooperate a little.)

Speaking of Em, you are her little sidekick. You want to be doing whatever she is doing which causes a few problems sometimes. Emery is sitting at the counter….that means you are going to climb up and have a seat too. Em plays with eat the playdoh. You think that you should have whatever she has but look out if she has something of yours… push and cry and get so mad! We are working on sharing haha. You know that Em will help you take your shoes off everyday and you love to give her kisses and hugs. Kind of melts this Momma’s heart.
"Mama...Mama...Mamaaaaaaaaa",,,,he did not want his picture taken.

You run everywhere and I don’t remember the last time you didn’t have a big bruise or scrape on your poor forehead. You are just too fast and careless. You LOVE your little people farm book but will take any book as long as you are plopped down on my lap. You know the difference between footballs, baseballs and basketballs and you have a mean left handed swing too. You push every limit and get mad and tell us “no, no, no” when YOU get in trouble. It is hard to keep a straight face around you.

You are the love of my life little boy. You can be so crazy and then so sweet and we wouldn’t have it any other way. Happy year and a half! Love ya!


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