Christmas Thoughts~2016

It really is the most wonderful time of the year. And with all the wonderfulness (not sure if that is a word) I still felt myself slipping into “too busy” mode. It seemed like every day this week I had a to-do list a mile long when really all I wanted to do was put on my Christmas fuzzy socks and robe, light a vanilla candle, pop in Elf and have my babies climb all over me. The hustle and bustle had me all sidetracked when what I needed to be doing was soaking in these sweet moments and praising God for such a wonderful year.
I want to remember everything about this Christmas season (and every one to come.) Emery and Auggie have already been so fun. I wonder when they will start remembering these moments. I wonder what Em’s favorite tradition will be or what Auggie will ask for next year. I wonder what moment will be the one that I cherish forever.
As I have sat and thought about all of these questions I couldn’t help remember some of my favorite memories.
~My Christmas as a child~
When I was really little I remember sprinkling “reindeer food” outside on Christmas Eve and I can still perfectly picture the way it shimmered on the snow in the moonlight. (Emery has that same reindeer food to sprinkle out this year. I love that. ) I remember wanting to go downstairs so badly but we had to wait until everything was in place and my grandparents were there. Then we would open presents, taking turns. We still do that today (and it still drives my brothers crazy.) I always loved going to the candlelight service with Mom. We would all stand in a circle with a candle and after carols were sung one by one the flame would be passed from candle to candle until the room glowed a perfect Christmas glow. For years on Christmas Day we helped deliver meals to those who were alone or had nowhere to go on Christmas. There are tons of fun memories doing that. I would like to do that with my kids someday. No favorite gifts really stand out to me…so as an adult I think my parents must have done it just right.

How did you learn the truth about Santa Claus?
I just remember not believing but my brothers still did so I got to be in on it. One year we all got new Nike tennis shoes and my Mom wrapped the wrong ones for Avery and when he unwrapped them she had to explain that in all of the hustle and bustle, Santa must have made a mistake….and then she winked at me. I loved being in on the secret. One year I also found my Mom’s shopping list and knew what every person was getting. I LOVED knowing and anticipating their reactions. (I don’t know if I ever told Mom this….) I think that explains why I like giving presents.

What is your favorite Christmas song?
I do love them all. “What Child is This” brings me to tears every time. So powerful. And the louder you sing it, the better.
“This, this is Christ the King,
Whom shepherds guard and angels sing:
Haste, haste to bring Him laud,
The babe, the son of Mary.”

I picture young shepherds running through a sleepy town, shouting at the top of their lungs. This...this newborn baby is Christ the King. Hurry!!

(I also am not ashamed to say that I try my hardest to hit the same notes Mariah does in “All I Want For Christmas” and I know all the words to N’Sync’s “Merry Christmas”)

Which person would you most like to meet under the mistletoe?
Oh Douglas……
But I would take a big Auggie kiss too.

Favorite gift you have ever given.
Easy. The year we announced that we were pregnant with Emery. We surprised my family with pictures and snuck an announcement into Sam and Sue’s new calendar. I will never forget that year.
What is on your Christmas list this year?
A new curling iron. Mine burns my thumb when I use it. That’s it. I always love getting a few new outfits (with matching socks) and maybe some new nice hairspray or body spray. I could get the same thing every year and be very very happy.

What are you most excited about this year?
Emery Kayt Jansen. She has already been so fun this holiday season. She has to line up her and Auggie’s nativity sets every night and she has had the same Christmas wish list for a few months now. I asked her what she wanted to get Auggie for Christmas and she looked at me like I was crazy and said, “But Mommy….he has been a bad boy.” I think she really thought that she was the only one getting presents. She wants to watch every Christmas movie and asks everyday if it is Jesus’s birthday yet. She is getting every thing on her list and then some (it pays to have wonderful grandparents) and I just can’t wait to see her eyes light up.
~Doug's Christmas as a child~
We did things a little different. We always had Grandma's Christmas party on Christmas Eve and when we got home Santa had already been there. We would stay up super late unwrapping presents, putting things together and playing. I loved that. Looking back it is kind of amazing that my Dad survived staying up that late and milking in the morning.

What was your favorite gift ever received?
Two stick out in my mind. I remember getting the ping pong table. I was so surprised. I wonder how many games of ping pong have been played on that thing. I also remember unwrapping the Sega. I remember there being a border-line fight because I wanted to play Sonic and Phil and Terry wanted to play football. I was around six and I think I cried.....

What is your favorite new Christmas tradition?
My favorite would have to be early morning Santa presents, drinking a big cup of coffee and making a yummy breakfast for my family. Sounds perfect.

Which person would you most like to meet under the mistletoe?
My beautiful wife. (He had to say that because I was sitting right there hehe.)

Favorite gift you have ever given.
I will never forget telling my family we were having a baby. I was really, really nervous. Like sweating. Nothing will top that.

What are you most excited about this year?
Watching my two open presents Christmas morning. I can't wait.
Emery Kayt~3 years old

Who’s birthday is on Christmas?

Where was Jesus born?
In a stable.....where the animals eat.

Have you been naughty or nice this year?
Ummmm...nice. (Note that she had to think about it.)

What is on your Christmas list this year?
Without a single moment of hesitation she rattles off "A trampoline, a scooter, a Barbie house, Barbies, and Disney princess playdoh." Maybe she is going to be a list maker like her Momma!

What is your favorite Christmas song?
Jingle Bells!

What is Santa’s favorite food?
Tookies! (aka Cookies)

What will Santa bring Auggie, Mommy and Daddy for Christmas?
Auggie wants a new Elmo. Mommy wants a new hair curler.
Daddy wants a scooter just like me. (But then she wasn't so sure about her answer and went to ask him what he wants.)
I knew that any question I asked Auggie would either get a "Mama" or a "Nooooo" as the answer. We know that he loves all thing ball but farming and animals are becoming a new favorite. He makes the cows kiss and knows every animal sound. He really just wants to play with Em's new Cinderella doll and I forsee him trying to climb her new Barbie house. His sweet tooth has come out this season and I swear he can sense if you are sneaking something yummy in the kitchen. I just picture him running around in excitement Christmas morning (and not really knowing why we are so excited.)
We have had a really wonderful year. We have been healthy and happy and that is all I can ask for. Friends and family are to thank for this. I know for so many, the same cannot be said. For so many, this holiday season is really, really hard. Those friends and family who are going through so much and still find comfort in the wonders of Christ's love....I hope they know how encouraging that is to me. I hope they know that they are teaching me and guiding me and changing my heart. They are my angels.
I hope for everyone that this Christmas and this new coming year is wonderful. I hope sweet memories are made and prayers are answered. And I hope that you have a very Merry Christmas!

Love, The Jansens


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