Its Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas

Christmas songs have been on repeat, our lights twinkle from sun up to sun down and my babies' cheeks must hurt from all the smiling they have been doing. Yes, it is safe to say it really is beginning to look a lot like Christmas.
On Friday, Emery Kayt had her first ever Christmas Program. It was the sweetest thing. The 4 year olds told the story of Jesus's birth and the 3 year olds watched and sang songs at certain moments. Have you ever heard a 3 year old say "Bethlehem"...kinda the cutest thing ever. I loved the message of the program and even more than that, I loved that Em totally got it. She is so excited to celebrate Jesus's birthday and believe me, I thanked her teachers for that. Emery is alllllways singing at home, big jazz hand finishes and everything. She was a bit more shy in front of the large crowd but we could still tell she knew every word and move. Miss Em was beaming afterwards because all of her favorite people had come to watch her. Going to be honest--I tear up at moments like these. The love her grandparents have for her just radiates out of them and I know she can feel it. 
Earlier in the week Em had declared Friday night "Movie Night." She arranged the pillows (did she really think Auggie was going to lay still with us the whole time??) and we watched The Grinch (one of my favorites.) Not even half way through the movie I think I was the only one watching. Oh well....I enjoyed it!
Saturday was a nice girls only day. We went shopping around Effingham with Nana, we treated her to Joe Sippers and she treated us to a movie! We loved Moana....Em is already trying to learn some of the songs. The previews sold us on another new movie coming out so we will be back soon!
I love these kind of days.
After the kids went to bed we started in on some baking for Sunday. This magical, perfectly cooked, chocolaty-chocolate cheesecake happened. It was love at first bite. My heart is telling me I need to bake pants are telling me NO! 
Sunday kicked off our Christmas celebrations. I wanted a sweet picture of Em and Aug before it all got started...Em was all about it...Auggie not so much. Per usual!
He did however cooperate for a quick family pic out in the cold!
Aunt Linda and D always give the best gifts and this year they didn't disappoint. Emery is in loveeee with her new Cinderella doll that has a magic wand. (She thinks she is now a fairy godmother.) And just look at Auggie laying down to get closer to his new Dairy Farm! Grandpa Sammy is going to have to come over and play.

We ate lots of yummy food and adults played dirty bingo (Uncle Avery coming out as the top winner, winning forty bucks in lotto). Hannah entertained the kiddos with dress up and nail polish. For a Sunday night we stayed up too late. But it was worth it.

So looking forward to this week and weekend. Stay warm! 


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