2016 Christmas Break~Part Two

Somehow the second half of Christmas break has been just as full and fun as the first half.
We have seen every family member and close to every friend.....
Hence the big cheesy smiles on my kiddos' faces!
(This is my new favorite picture of them. Fits their personalities and they are holding hands. Moms love that kind of stuff.)
We so enjoyed Christmas at my grandparents. We all fit around the table, yummy food is passed to the left and I love hearing Dad or Avery tell a story. Gigi knew exactly what to get Auggie--Elmo, Cookie and Big Bird. He doesn't actually watch the show, he just likes them. The girls ran around and helped everyone open gifts (and got into a fight by the end of the night ha!). My Dad won best gift giver of the year in my brothers' eyes when he surprised them with mounted deer. It was a really sweet dad-son moment. We received the perfect ottoman (Auggie was over it all by then) and it was just nice to sit and be at Grandma's and Grandpa's.  
By the end of the night Auggie had found his favorite spot. He finds this spot a lot but never stays long. His snuggles told me something was wrong.
I was right. High fever the next morning and an ear infection diagnosis. For like the millionth time. Wanna know what is just the most funnest thing ever. Going to the doctor with two kids then having to go to Walmart to get the prescription with those two kids. Why is there not a drive-thru for things like this!?! My poor boy was so worn out by then that he ended up sound asleep on a pillow we found in an aisle. #Mom-win
That evening Doug wanted to go to the Newton basketball game. Auggie and I passed on the occasion but Miss Em really wanted to go (although she kept saying she was going to see the Illini....I guess they are both orange and blue.) They turned it into a Daddy-Daughter date night and I know she loved it.
Auggie and I enjoyed our little night at home too. Undivided Mom attention is his favorite thing and he was feeling better by then so we had a good time. I made sure we did all of his favorite things: Supper at the bar next to me, a long bath, Elmo hugs and Mom snuggles.
Friday was our last Christmas party. Saved the biggest bash for last! I love Jansen Christmas. I hardly see my own kids and when I find them they are busy playing with this cousin or that Aunt or Uncle. I love catching up with in-laws and my older nieces and nephews. Leave it to this crazy group to finish the night with an intense dodge ball game (and then a game for the littles because you know Auggie was dying to get out there too.) Emery didn't want to leave and Auggie, after taking a cat nap on Grandpa Sammy, Grandma Susie and I think Aunt Julie, didn't want to leave either. That is my sign that they are loved.
We rang in the New Year with a few friends and the only thing that would have made the night better was being able to wish a few other friends "Happy New Year" in person. I think the girls found every single toy in Em's room and Auggie spent his night on the counter, center of attention, dipping cookies into dip, licking dip off said cookie, and putting the cookie back into the box. We had a balloon to pop every hour filled with treats for the kids. They were a hit for the older ones....Auggie had a meltdown every time. He of course didn't make it to midnight and Emery laid down to read a book at exactly 11:59. She had told me all night that she wanted me to be her New Year's kiss so it was perfect. (I had to sneak one from Doug a little later.) 
2016 brought Doug and I more laughter and memories than any year before. And we have these two beautiful babies to thank for that. In this next year Emery will be four. She already just seems so big. So smart and sweet (and sassy and opinionated at times.) I expect a lot out of her and I find myself so wrapped up in Auggie sometimes that lately I have seen that "but look at me, Mommy!" glimmer in her eyes. This year I look forward to finding more of those special Emery moments. I want to make sure that she knows she is beautiful and smart and loved and I can't wait to grow with her as she grows. Auggie Boy will turn two. That is just crazy to me. I want him to stay this spunky little boy forever but then I think about him being Em's age and I can't wait to meet that little man. What is he going to be like? (And on a side note I am praying for no more ear infections and less bruises. Oh and please no stitches.....I for some reason just see them in his future....).
2016 was good to us. We were healthy and happy and as I look at loved ones around me, at this world around me, I know that we were and are very fortunate. All I can ask for is that 2017 matches 2016 for us but that it blows 2016 out of the water for others. Whatever your hearts desire is, whatever God has in store, I hope it happens in 2017.

Happy New Year everyone!


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