No Plans

Doug always asks me "So whats the plan for this weekend?" 
More often than not I have made us too many plans on top of a big to-do list.
The answer this week: NO PLANS. And we needed that. Or at least I did.
Kiddos looked pretty cheery back on Thursday morning. If the camera would have been turned around, you would have seen a pale, red-nosed, sleepy-eyed Momma. The Great Sinus Infection of 2017 hit me HARD. I need to thank my students for dealing with my grouchiness and my lovely boss for making me go call the doctor. After my appointment and pharmacy pick up, I walked in the house at 4:30, kissed my babies on their foreheads, and went to bed! I think around 11pm I stumbled out of bed to find Doug folding the laundry I had been putting off for two days and the kitchen was sparkling. He says I owe him. I guess I probably do. I felt somewhat human by Friday morning but was very happy that we had no plans.
I had to share this picture. Many people have guessed that there is a years difference in between these two sweet smiles. NOPE. Try four months. In four short months my baby girl has grown. In height, smarts and sweetness (and sassiness.)  I want her to stay where she is forever and ever but at the same time I can't wait for what the future holds for her. I loved having a laid back weekend with her.

Saturday we went to Wal-Mart. Wooo hooo. We decided to have yummy cheesy burgers for supper. Emery realized we weren't having any vegetables to which she announced was good because "Now we don't have to fight about it." Can you tell this fight is a common occurrence haha! Randomly Uncle Chuck came over for a movie night. Toy Story and Popcorn for the win. (Really he came over for a few drinks but he just happens to also love a good animated movie/my kiddos.)
Today our No Plans weekend allowed us to have a little fun at the sports complex. We have had a few guest passes burning a hole in our pockets and decided this cold and windy Sunday was the perfect day to go. Auggie BAWLED when we got there. We took off his shoes and that just ticked him off. I don't think he knew what we were there to do. After clinging to me and watching Em have fun for a little bit he turned back into the wild man that he is. We had a blast.

Aug took a nap, Em rested (we think she is aging out of naps) and Doug and I got all the laundry done. We are eating a whatever we can find supper and I think Doug is going to make an ice cream run later. Baths, books and bedtime and it will be Monday again.

I feel refreshed and ready this time. Have a good one!


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