Much Needed: Haircuts and Fresh Air

Looking at the calendar for the next month, this past weekend was the only one not full. We have getaways, dance recitals and Easter celebrations coming up--and we are pumped about all of that!
So the big question was: How do we spend our plan-free weekend?
Friday it was much needed haircuts. Auggie was real shaggy and we thought Em was just going for a trim. At the last minute we decided to go back to the Bob. I am so glad we did! I was worried about what she was going to think because she used to talk about wanting hair like Rapunzel's. Proof she loves it: She ran back to go to the bathroom when we got home and I heard a loud squeal. I asked her if everything was okay and her response: "I just look like a new girl!"
Saturday morning we lounged around and debated on what to do. Doug's bright idea was to either clean out the garage or deep clean the house. Neither of which sounded to great to me. (Weird. I am usually the cleaner and Douglas is the fun guy.) Spur of the moment we decided to throw on play clothes, run to Wal-Mart for picnic supplies and head to Ballard Nature Center before the rain came. I am so glad we went this route. It ended up being the perfect day.
Em thought every bridge we crossed had a troll underneath it and that every bird we saw was probably an Eagle. Randomly on Sunday I heard her tell Doug "yesterday was a fun day..." so I know she enjoyed it.
Auggie's new favorite word is "OUSHIDE!" so of course he loved every minute. He ran wild and would just take off down any hill or path he could find. By the end of our hike he became a slow-poke and just wanted to hold Doug or I's hand. Those little legs were tired!

Kids were OUT by the time we got home and we successfully carried them both in asleep--every parent's dream. We were somehow early for church on Sunday and spent the rest of the day making then picking up messes and folding mountain's of laundry. I am looking forward to this week (and really looking forward to a Doug and Ashley getaway this weekend.)

Have a great week everybody! 


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