Adventures of Mommy and Em~Girls Trip

With another little boy in my future, I have been day-dreaming of all the fun Emery and I are going to have doing "girl stuff." Shopping, musicals, pedicures, all things girl. We kicked off the Adventures of Mommy and Em this week with a trip up north to see the rest of our favorite girls.
My best friend just had a sweet new bundle of joy and I just had to see her. And my what a sweet bundle she is. I love newborns so much and it has been awhile since I just got sit and snuggle.
I think Emery Kayt loved her even more than I did. When I told her Aunt Kaci had had her baby last week the first thing she said was, "She needs my help, Mommy!" Em mastered the paci putting-in and the shhhhing. She also swears Oswyn loved watching Care Bears with her and was constantly trying to get her to hold a toy. Because babies need toys.
Seeing her love on Oz just made me more excited for Baby Boy. She is going to be the best BIG sister ever. My boys don't know how good they have it!
We also got to love on the new member of the Big Sis club. Em and I played with Orie while baby sister got her pictures taken. When I see Orie I am just reminded that I don't see her near enough. Now I just miss them!
On the way home, Em and I took advantage of being alone and went shopping (we only bought one thing and it was for Auggie...what the heck!?!) I gave Emery the option of choosing lunch....and I was reminded she is so much like her father. Big yummy cheeseburgers it was. Douglas was jealous!
A few hours of shopping and both of us were ready to be home.
Because I missed my little man too much. He and I are inseparable right now and while I so enjoyed my girl time, I couldn't wait to see his smile and hear that "I wuv you too, Mommy."
Aug got spoiled by Nana while we were gone. They went to the Ballard Nature Center, the Library (she said he didn't run away from her....maybe because she was actually watching him) and played  and played. Right after we left on Tuesday I received this picture. Mom was getting ready and caught  Aug digging through her purse....later she found him trying to put $25 in his piggy bank!

I know she enjoyed her time and I know Em and I enjoyed ours. My girl is getting big but I look forward to all of the little Mommy and Em memories we will make!


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