Father's Day and Week Day Fun

When this past week started out, the kids and I had one thing planned and that was it. Blank slate of a week. But by now you should know that we don't sit still well...so the kids and I found little fun things to do all week. Our semi-lazy week had us ready for a fun weekend. And that is just what we had!
Monday Em had nature camp. We heart Ballard Nature Center and Em was old enough to go to one of their little nature camps this year. I am not real sure what she did but she was sweaty and happy when we picked her up.
Auggie and I were sweaty and happy too. There was no way I was going to be able to drop off Em and just leave the Nature Center. Aug loves it too much. So we played and waited. I like a day date with my boy!
Monday night the kids and I randomly went to Hidalgo for supper. My heart skips a beat every time we go to Gma and Gpa's. I LOVED playing and just being at that house when I was little and now I see me kids enjoying the same place, especially Em. She loves to know what I did or played with when I was little (she totally gets that from me) and on Monday swinging on this little black bar brought back all of the feels. I always have to glance at my grandparents when Emery or Auggie play with something from my past because I know it brings back memories for them too.
Uncle Avery is sentimental just like me. I wonder how many miles we rode on Gpa's lawnmowers growing up. So that was of course the first thing he got out. Made Aug's night!
On Tuesday Emery was in cousin heaven. Ella came to play! First stop was the library.
The girls crafted....
while Auggie jumped off things yelling "Watch this!" or ran out the door three times. He only managed to make his way on to the elevator once by himself. Grrrrrrr. I was so made at him. But you know the library rules: No Yelling (not that I really wanted to yell) but quietly telling him to listen and stay by me was just not working ha!
With Ella we went to the park, ate lunch with Doug and the girls swam. After Auggie's nap Emery
 wanted to swim again. My hope this summer was that I could swim with the kids on my own and not have any problems. So it was time to find out! THEY DID SO GOOD! It made my swim-loving heart happy. Em is still the clingy one but Auggie just floats around doing his own thing and would rather me not touch him. We swam for two hours with a few snack breaks in between.
This cooler weather has me torn. I love it but I am also a hot weather/water swimmer. Freezing isn't fun. So once it warms back up the pool is where you will find us! 
Funny Auggie Story: He likes to attempt to go potty outside which is fine by me. So one day this week we are sitting on the front porch and he pulls his pants down and says he needs to go potty. He stands proudly on the porch but nothing happens. He finally turns to me and says, "No potty in there." I asked him, "No potty in where?" His answer...."In tail."
TAIL! That is what he was calling his boy parts. I laughed so hard but it was so cute. So tail it is for now! 
Wednesday we did nothing. We were still in PJs at lunch (perfect nap clothes, right?) After naps we decided to get out of the house (but it was hottttt) so to Wal-Mart we went! We didn't need anything so I let the kids look at whatever they wanted to look at. 
Auggie was fascinated with the baby dolls.
Em needed all the super hero toys. 
Hmmm....something wrong with this picture.....
Thursday we went to the park to play and wound up in the creek. Fine by me--I like the shade. Kiddos threw rocks and waded in the water. Daddy even stopped by too!
Friday we went back to the library. (Auggie only tried to escape twice. My big warning before hand did no good. He also locked himself in the bathroom and the only reason we found him was because he started yelling.....Wow...I sound like the greatest mother ever...)
While Auggie was hiding, Em was being an angel and made a card for Doug. It was super cute and she was super proud. When he got home that day she greeted him with it and a shout of "Happy Mother's Day!" Oops!
The kids and I tried to beat the muggy heat back at home with popsicles and shade. Em ate hers..then mine...then finished Auggie's.  I have to tell you how much I am enjoying my summer with my babies. We are totally in a sweet spot age wise. I feel like I can take them anywhere, they play well together and I rarely pack a diaper bag anymore (and Auggie always manages to know when I don't have it if you know what I mean.) We make big messes and then they are both capable of helping me pick up which rocks. I can shower regularly which sounds weird but is a total luxury. They bring barbies in the bathroom and ask me a million questions while I am in there but hey....I am not complaining. When I say its nap time, they both lay down for close to two hours. I am in a sweet spot. (There is still craziness and fights and tears so don't think we are perfect over here. I mean I lost my son at the library so clearly not winning any award anytime soon.) I think about all we can do and then I feel the kick that brings me back to reality. Next summer I will have a 6 month old son and that will change everything. But I wouldn't change that for the world!
Friday night we decided to check out the Food Fest downtown. Em can never pass up a photo op with one of these things.
And what Emery does, Auggie does. There really wasn't much to do with the kids so we decided to try something new.
Mini golf! Pulling in we had no idea how it was going to go. Emery was a grouch and had already cried multiple times that evening and Auggie was just being a wound-up version of Auggie.....
It went really well.....
No I promise it really did. 
Our saving grace was that no one was in front of us or behind us. Auggie was always two holes ahead of us and kept yelling, "Where my bat at!?!" and Emery would hit it and then pick it up, hit it, then pick it up. By the end Doug and I were golfing and the kids were exploring but we had fun.
Saturday the kiddos went to Grandpa Sammy's and Grandma Susie's for a sleep over and Doug and I got all pretty for a wedding. I can't say that I have felt the prettiest (smallest) this pregnancy but I did feel kind of fabulous on Saturday. A good hair day and a good dress will do that to a girl. 
And I had this guy complimenting me which always helps. I love going to weddings with Doug. Weddings used to bring up all the lovey-dovey feels from my own wedding but now I can't help but think of Doug walking Emery down the aisle someday (many many many days from now.) They had a band that rocked and Doug and I took advantage of having no kids and got pie and coffee after. 
Sunday we went to Grove to get the kids/go to church/start the Father's Day celebrations. This picture is the only one I got before church. I kind of love it because it is so real life. Except usually Emery is the one looking.
After church we tried for a better one because Douglas deserves the best on this day. I have always said that he is my answered prayer and while I was praying for a husband God decided to go ahead and pick out the greatest father for my children too. He is Em's first love and Aug's greatest role model. He is my partner and friend and we are so blessed to call him ours. 
Happy Daddy's Day, Douglas!
And I think he learned from one of the very best. I know how much Doug looks up to his Dad and strives to be like him. Sam always has Emery giggling and he is probably ranked #2 on Auggie's favorite people list (me being #1 of course.) 
Happy Father's Day, Grandpa Sammy! 
We also got to celebrate two of my favorite guys on Sunday. My Dad is the first person to tell me how proud he is of me--always has been and always will. I hope my kids take after his creativeness and big heart. I think my Gpa will always see me as his little girl. I hope my kids take after his hard work ethic and kindness. 
Happy Father's Day, Papa and Grandpa Jim!

Emery and Auggie are blessed to have these men and many others in their lives. Uncles, friends, funny ones, strong ones, smart ones, all loving ones.
I thank God, our true father, for all of these men.

The kids are sleeping off their big weekend and it looks like this week is going to be a repeat of the last with a big Holiday World trip at the end.
Happy Monday all!


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