30 Weeks and Our Weekend

If I remember correctly, I promised Baby Boy that I would still do weekly bump-dates for him. I would do everything that I did for Emery and Auggie for him too. Who was I kidding??
This poor kid has no bump-dates, barely any pictures and no name....but man is he loved. Auggie kisses him (and calls him baby puppy), Em is constantly rubbing my belly and talking to him and Douglas has felt some powerful kicks here lately. I promise him I love him everyday and just tell him Mommy is sorry and busy. I thought hitting 30 weeks called for a bump-date. Baby Boy deserves it!
How far along? The BIG 3-0 this week! I think when you hit 30 weeks things seem to get a little more real. In 10 weeks (or less...hopefully not more) we will meet out little man. We will be a family of five and our hearts will be full(er). 

Maternity clothes? Is this really a question? Actually most of the clothes I have bought this pregnancy are not maternity, just big and flowy. I swapped the word "cute" for "comfortable" this pregnancy and did okay with that this summer. Now that school has started I might struggle a bit more. I am ready for cooler weather and maybe a comfy big sweater or two. 

Sleep:Besides getting up 4 million times at night, I am doing pretty good. This summer I spent a few days here and there on the couch because that is where I was comfy. Finally broke out my pregnancy pillow (not real sure what I was waiting for) and I have been sleeping so much better. Which a good thing with the school year starting....no more naps. Boooooooo.

Best moment this pregnancy:I feel like we have been blessed over and over again this pregnancy. Baby Boy has scared us a few times but always checks out nice and healthy and those breaths of relief feel so good.I love hearing his heartbeat and now I get to every two weeks. I love the attention Emery gives my belly. She has never been touchy-feely with me but she wants to rub my belly constantly.  She is ready for him to be here. I love Baby Boy's kicks and rolls. They never get old and I know I will miss them. This weekend we worked on his room and washed up his clothes and I loved the feelings those clothes brought back with them. The sweet smell of baby laundry is something I hope I never forget. All of these have been the best moments.

Food cravings: I have craved it all. Right now I would say sweets--chocolate, peanut butter, ice cream....but I always want those things, pregnant or not. I went through a watermelon phase this summer and a juice phase before that. I get full so easily but could always eat haha!

Symptoms:No heartburn at all this pregnancy which is awesome. On the other hand I have braxton hicks like crazy (like wondered if I should call the doctor about them the other night) and swollen ankles and feet (I never had this with my other two.) I also can't breath because I have a baby in my lungs. I just feel super pregnant.  I sound whiny, don't I!?! I promise I am not. My doctor just keeps reminding me that this is my third and that I do way too much which is probably true. One true sign of me feeling super pregnant are all the toys on my floor right now. I have given up on picking up toys because it makes Baby Boy grouchy. Plus after a day on my feet at school, I am ready to just sit!

Have you started to show yet:Oh yes. I feel like Baby Boy grew a lot in the last week. I am definitely bigger this pregnancy than my other two.

Miss anything:I miss being able to do what needs done. Does that make sense? Picking up toys, picking up Auggie a million times a day, getting down on the floor to play and having no trouble getting back up. Baby Boy has slowed me down but I think that that is probably a good thing. 

Happy or Moody: Happy to be a healthy 30 week preggo!!! Love my new job, kids are loving being back to Sharon's, we pretty much have all Baby stuff done....all things to be happy about!

Looking forward to: Next week. Ultra-sound on my birthday and I am anxious to see my Boy again! I am looking forward to enjoying the last stretch of my pregnancy but what I am really looking forward to is bringing Baby home and living life as a family of five.

There! Now Baby Boy can't ever say that he didn't have any updates. 
By Friday I was ready to pick up this little dude and just cuddle. I know he misses me because I get a lot of "I want chyou" and extra kisses but I also can't get him to leave Sharon's when I get there. I have to bride him with marshmallows! Aug's love language! I think he had time outs this week because he won't stay off the table (probably because that is pretty much where he lives at our house) and the other day he asked me is he could ride bikes with his baby brother. He is growing up and will make the perfect middle child. 
Friday night we ate a yummy supper and played "Nanny Nand"--Em's request. She has gotten soooo much better. Auggie actually did really good and technically should have won but we might have stacked the deck against him. I ended up winning with Em coming in second. Go Girls!
Saturday Papa, Gigi and Nana came over to help us in Baby's room. Not much had to be done. We are keeping the blue but taking out all things red and baseball and replacing them with creams, taupes and zoo animals. Just a sweet baby boy room for my sweetness. Gigi is making the new bedding (and already has it done) and I love that all three of my kiddos have things made with love for them. Nana washed up clothes and the sweet smell of baby laundry took me back to when Auggie was new. How was that two years ago??? Nana loves any excuse to spoil her three and she thought Baby needed a new bouncy seat (ours was looking a little rough.) When our Target shipment came Emery could not figure out how Target knew we needed a new bouncy seat. She finally decided that Jesus must have told them ha! 
Sunday was a sweaty fun day. The kids and I went to a friend's 3rd birthday party and then relaxed at Grandma and Grandpa's. Doug was helping Uncle Tim. The plan was to go home, take baths and clean the house but then our favorite twins asked us out to supper and we said of course! Baths were still a must but we went to bed with laundry sitting in the dryer and toys on the floor. The new normal for now.

Somehow it is already Wednesday and that makes me just think about how quickly October is approaching. Going to try to just enjoy each other and life while we dream of Baby Boy.
Have a great rest of the week everyone!


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