Never Long Enough

I forgot that once school starts, weekends never ever seem long enough. (Well parts of this weekend seemed way too in the parts that my children were driving me nuts...) I always make my to-do list too long because I forget that we have to stop and have a little fun too. We will find that balance again someday. We have a fun week ahead and then a lovely long weekend ahead of that. We can do this!
Kids were pumped for Friday. Doug and I had a date night with friends planned so Brave Nana decided she would take these two to the Newton Football game. We prepped by singing "On For Newton" one million times and wore whatever orange and blue we could find--hence Auggie's baseball shirt at a football game.
I was told that the kiddos loved it. Em totally remembers going last year and enjoyed seeing D, Hannah and Heath. Auggie watched intently, only wanted Nana and loved his popcorn. I am looking forward to cheering the Eagles on myself next time!
Douglas and I (and some of our best friends) went to the Casa Gala. We had never been but some friends of ours were dancing this year and we couldn't pass it up. Plus it is for an amazing cause. It was fun to get dressed up and enjoy a supper out with other adults!
Plus I kind of like this guy. I think I will keep him!
Kids did NOT sleep in Saturday morning....back to that school year alarm clock I guess, but Doug got up with them and let this tired Momma sleep. Told you he was a keeper.
We had a family reunion on Saturday for my Grandmother's side. This is were Auggie went down hill. He needed to sleep on the way there but didn't. No toys and really no other kids made for a grouch/wild handful at the reunion. Fun times. 
Both kids did sleep on the way home. When Auggie woke up he repeatedly said, "Go park for a whittle bit??" He asked nicely so we couldn't say no. Maybe some fresh air would do us some good. 
It did Auggie some good and if I recall he was back to his old self the rest of the night. Em on the other hand decided she didn't need to listen to anything Doug told her and landed herself a long time out and no shows for two day. 
Which then backfired for us on Sunday haha! Sunday's plan was to CLEAN. Our house had gotten away from us. Toys were where toys weren't suppose to be, closets were crowded, laundry was everywhere (and still is...we didn't quite get everything accomplished.) So Doug and I decided we would conquer one room at a time and the kids promised to play and help when asked. This equaled us picking up while they got things out.....why did we think that was going to work? I was so tempted to just put a Movie in to buy some time but we held strong. After Auggie's nap we were at a stopping point with the house and decided to go to War-mart for the week's groceries. Bad move. August Samuel can be so good and he usually is and I know I have it easy....but man was he frustrating in Wal-mart. So much so that Doug and I shared a candy bar on the way home in front of the kids and they got nothing. My Mom said I was mean. I said I was hungry and grouchy. And I deserved it haha!
After supper they turned things around. They played football (did you notice Em's shoe pick?) and took long baths. Oh how quickly they can put a smile on my face and make me forget the trouble of the day. How quickly they remind me of how blessed I am. 
We have been doing a lot of extra praying at our house for the people of Texas and it is really due to the heart our little girl has. Doug and I were talking about the flood at supper and he showed me a picture of elderly people sitting in chest high water. My heart broke for them and then Emery asked if she could see the picture. Not really thinking, Doug showed her and you could just see this change in her. It really bothered and worried her. I think her first worry was something like that happening to us. She ask Doug if he would fix any holes we had in our house so that we wouldn't have water. We explained that we have nothing to worry about but that we should be thinking about those people. She asked if we could pray for them at supper and then brought them up when she was in the bathtub and then again going to bed. She said that firefighters and police officers would help those people so that is what we prayed for. Again on Monday she asked how the people in Texas were and reminded me we need to pray. Yesterday evening my Mom sent me a picture and told me to show Em. It was a picture of the elderly from the day before...but now rescued! I showed Em the picture and her eyes lit up. She said Jesus must have been listening! Yes he was little girl. As I help her pray for the people of Texas I am saying a side prayer that she always comes back to prayer and that she believes in it's healing power. It takes a child's heart to remind me of all that I have to be thankful for.
Monday evening was Back to School Night for Em. We decided to be brave and bring Auggie boy. It is time he realizes what school is (before yesterday if you asked him if he wanted to school he would say a great big NO.) It was fun to see Em give shy smiles to old classmates and then point out the new kids (later that night she told me that maybe she would need to be friends with the new kids because they might not have any.....Doug and I must be doing something right!!) She made a craft, found her cubby and said Hi to all of her teachers. Auggie loved it there. Before we got there he just kept asking Em if she had balls at her school and even asked me the same thing. The boy is just ready for recess haha! Doug chased him and said he did a good job of playing with toys and then putting them away. He really wanted to run in the hallway but when we reminded him that we had to walk in school he did. He also now loves a water fountain. Now he wants to go to school and I think he will do just fine. I will just pray for his teacher. 
The girl starts school next week and she is READY.  Maybe a little rusty in the handwriting department (I noticed her lowercase e was upside down last night) but she is going to rock this year. My baby is growing up and while she can frustrate me from time to time, I realize now that it is rare and fleeting. She is a sweet heart and I hope others around her can see that.

Monday was good and if Monday is good then you know the rest of the week will be. I get to see my sweet baby boy tomorrow and a long weekend is ahead of us. 
But I bet it won't feel long enough....


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