My Birthday, Baby Cheeks and Our Labor Day Weekend

We had a great week and weekend. Busy but great. 
Wednesday was my birthday. Happy 29 to me! Doug and the kids surprised me with the cutest flowers delivered to school. Doug said he tried to explain the whole delivering of flowers thing to Emery but in the end she just thought that she got to bring them to me. She did pick out the colors and what can I say...the girl gets me!
At home I was surprised again. A chocolate cake (pregnant momma's fav gift), fancy shampoo and a gift card to get my hair done from my Mom (she gets me too), a few other thoughtful gifts and a card I will cherish forever. Can you tell it says "Heart" U Mommy? Auggie signed it too--note the scribbles. On the front of the card it said "Happy Birthday from all of us" and Doug added a number "4" between all and of which made me smile. He said that there are enough of us now that he decided a card that said "all of us" worked.  
Nana took us out to supper and then we took turns blowing out my candles. In another picture I have you can see the spit coming out of Auggie's mouth haha. Oh well....nothing was going to stop me from eating that cake!
Before supper and gifts I got the best gift ever. A great 31 week check up and ultrasound. Can we just stop for a moment and look at Baby Boy's cheeks and pouty lips?? I don't stand a chance against them. This kid is definitely ours. Head is already measuring more like 36 weeks and body is measuring around 31/32 weeks...averaging him out to normal. He measured about 3lbs 14 oz and is on track to weigh about 7 and a half pounds. I make big headed 7 pound babies and I cannot wait to meet this one. Right now he is still breech and we almost didn't get any pictures of his cute face because he was too busy tickling his own toes. 
After seeing him this week I can't stop thinking about him. I have looked at this picture a million times. During my pregnancy I can't say that I have ever felt like our family was missing something or incomplete. But all of a sudden I feel like this big part of my heart isn't here yet. At least not in my arms yet. I know I have about 8 more weeks to go and I want him safe and sound in my belly for as long as he needs....but all of a sudden I am ready to meet my new man.

Praise GOD for a good report and for this blessing of a boy!
And praise GOD for the best big sister (and brother) a kid could ask for. Em is seriously in love with this boy. Obsessed with my belly and asking us what his name is. We asked her if she wanted his name to be a surprise to her or if she wanted us to tell her and she of course picked tell her.
We will.....but first we have to pick it....
And after we pick it we will also add the last piece to his sweet room. A letter to go between the elephant and giraffe. We finished his room this weekend and I am very happy with how it turned out. We just took out everything red/baseball and added in creams and taupe and zoo animals. Same blue but it feels so different with these other colors. Now I just need to keep Auggie out of his is his new favorite bed to jump in! 
Saturday Douglas left bright and early for an all day Guy's Day. The plan was for the kids and I to play out our house, nap (we alllll did) and then go play at the Probst's with friends. It was 6 kids on 3 Moms. Kids might have won haha. This picture is of one of the brief moments that they were all getting along and all doing what they were suppose to be doing. The whirlwind of kids didn't stop us from enjoying catching up and ranting/breathing just a little. Kiddos--they will drive you so crazy one moment and then remind you why you love them more than anything in the next.
We decided the kids needed some fresh air so our Labor Day was spent at the pool. I had kind of figured our pool days were over for the season but it was hot and the pool was pool day for the win! The kids and I went swimming this summer a ton but Doug didn't really get to experience that with them. I think they had fun showing off their jumps to Daddy. 
(Also, goggles are not meant for 2 year olds or 4 year olds. They are always too tight and pull hair and the amount of time it takes to put on and adjust them is longer than the amount of time they wore them. Just sayin.)
This week is a big busy week for us. Miss Emery Kayt goes to dance on Tuesday then starts 4 yr old Pre-School on Wednesday. She is pumped. She fell in love with school last year and I know she will love this year even more. Maybe I won't cry this year. I will just save it for next year when I send her off to Kindergarten and my Auggie boy to pre-school. I might just have to take that day off! 

On top of all that this week, our babysitter is out of town for the next two weeks. Bring in the back ups! Grandma Susie and Nana have it covered and we are very thankful for that. Just a little bit more running and planning on our part.

But it will be a great week! Have a good one!


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