Falling Behind

It may appear to some that I have fallen behind. No blog post last week (my mother and grandmother are always quick to point that out). Poor Baby #3 has had about zero blog love. My laundry room is overflowing with (clean...just not folded) laundry. My kids are lucky to have had two baths in the last two weeks. But we made them long ones to split the difference. 
I am usually more on top of things. I usually don't sit down until the babies are in bed. I usually get home and hit the to-do list hard. Tell the kids to go and play or sit them in front of the television after quick "Hellos" and "How was your days?" I usually tell Auggie I will play with him in a little bit after he so sweetly asks "Will you play with me, Mommy?" and I make Emery the entertainment. "Go play with your brother now, please."
I have read the sappy blog posts that are out there. I know they are only little once. I know that dishes will sit and that I can fluff the laundry one more time later. But dang it, being a Mom is hard sometimes. Mom guilt is real and I usually have it bad. I usually go to bed thinking I will do better tomorrow. I will play, I will cherish, I will just be Mom. But then life happens and I fail. There is always tomorrow right?
But lately I have fallen behind on the to-do list. Instead you can find me after school plopped down on the couch with a boy and a book in my lap. A little girl embracing my belly. Dirty (like reallllly dirty) floors and a million toys out. 
And I blame sweet Baby #3.
Yes, it is true that he has slowed me down. I am tired and swollen and can be whiney (ask Douglas.) A part of me cringes at the pile of shoes at the back door. A part of me just wants to pick up all the toys myself instead of waiting for Slow Poke #1 and Slow Poke #2 to do it. 
But I am realizing how thankful I am for this slow down. For a reason to fall behind. I am realizing that God blessed me with this Baby because he saw what changes my life needed. He knew I needed a smack in the head, a reminder, a gentle shake. Slow down, enjoy, kiss more, cuddle more.
Look at what I have given you. Give thanks more.
And that is what I have been trying to do. Slow down and be thankful.
God has blessed me with the sweetest girl. She kisses on me like crazy only because she loves my belly aka baby brother. She wants to be a "Problem Solver" and went to Sunday school all by herself because she is "confident." She is learning so much at school and I swear will be reading Amelia Bedelia books before we know it. She tells me and her Daddy and Auggie that she loves us a million times a day. And I just love her.
God has blessed me with the sweetest boy too. He never ever stops talking or going. He idolizes his big sis and is too big for "tuddles" now....but he always needs to be touching me. He plays ball and farm on repeat and has a new found love for "chochit milk." He makes us laugh and love more than we ever did before.
And now we are about 35 days out from meeting our newest blessing. (Who does have a name!)
I will always be thankful to this baby boy for slowing me down. I am so so ready for him to be here and to take things even slower. He, along with his precious guardian angels, will forever be my reminder to give thanks to our God. Because he is so so good.

I am embracing the slow down. The falling behind. I still love my to-do list and probably always will but now I know what to move to the top and what can wait. I know I will need reminded of this again. Hopefully I remember to go back and read this.....


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