Bennett Lee Jansen: Our First Week Together

On Thursday, October 26th, at 7:19 in the morning, just as the sun was rising, Bennett Lee Jansen made us a family of five. 8lbs 5oz and 21 inches long (I have to mention his head measured 37 centimeters and the nurse had to remeasure because surly it couldn't be that big.) He has two dimples, one more than his siblings, the same webbed toes Auggie has and brown hair like his sister. Lots of brown hair that is kind of curly kind of not. We swear his eyes are already blue like his Daddy's. And he is perfect.
We are in love.
Doug and I are so thankful for a healthy boy and for the answered prayers of peace and comfort during his birth. Prayer is powerful and we know things went so well because of many of you.
Bennett was feisty from the very start. The first 30 minutes of his life were spent screaming. Yelling...then yawing...then yelling. As Em would say, "He has a lot of lungs!"
Luckily he has calmed down a bit and he only really lets us hear him if he is starving or getting his diaper changed. He hates it.
Doug and I could not wait for Em and Aug to meet him and their reactions were just as we expected. Emery fell in love with him the moment she saw him. She had to hold him immediately and just sat and looked at him as if they were the only ones in the room. You could just feel this special bond. I will never ever forget that moment. She is the official Baby Hog of the house.  
Auggie's first words to us were "He got out!" and he proceeded to tell every nurse he saw this same thing. He wanted to hold him (for a second) and then continued to check out every part of our hospital room. More funny Auggie moments to come. *Did you notice Em's little hand on Bennett's head? She doesn't trust Aug either ha!*
Who do you think he looks like? Em is so proud that he has brown hair like her but I hate to tell her he might favor Auggie.  One thing is for sure--he is definitely one of ours!
We had a few visitors at the hospital but my favorites were always these two. Even though Auggie and hospitals do NOT mix, I missed these two and loved seeing their love for their baby brother grow daily. Isn't this the sweetest moment? 
My boys. I love saying that. 
A few Auggie sayings from the week:
1. He got out!!!
2. Can I lick your bed? No. Can I lick the floor. NO! (As he is licking the hospital room floor....)
3. Can I touch ________ (insert anything in the room.)
4. And after we told him he could not touch anything--Can I touch your butt?
5. After seeing Bennett nurse for the first time-He's just like milking a cow!!!
6. After seeing me pump-That's just white milk. Where is the chocolate milk?
And my favorite 7. I just WUV him! Said when he held him for the first time.
Never ever a dull moment with this one. And I secretly hope Bennett is a carbon copy.
And yes that is my blood pressure cuff on his head.
After two nights at the hospital we were ready to get home and start our new normal. What ever the heck that is going to be.
We got Bennett all dressed up.
And headed for the van. The van feels full with three babies!
(Right after this picture we learned that Auggie is in deed strong enough to pick up the carseat....great....)
The kids couldn't wait to show him his room. And just like the two times before this, the crib looked awfully big for our little guy.
We have had some really really good days at home and a couple of hard ones too.
I blame the hard ones on nursing. Good thing I have Douglas and Nana and Sue and Sam (and bottles and a pump.) All life savers.
The good days are because of this sweet big sister and her silly brother. This was the first morning at home--the first thing she said to us when she came out of her room was "Can I hold Bennett?" 
And she hasn't stopped asking.

So thankful for this little mother hen. She watches Bennett's every move, always needs to give him a kiss, entertains Auggie for me and has magically become the best toy picker-upper.  I hope she remembers this sweet time. 
Auggie has been surprisingly very gentle with Bennett and has actually helped me a lot. He is great at handing me things-paci, boppy pillow, blankets. He wants Bennett to watch Paw Patrol with him and helps me read him books. He says he wants him to play ball with him and ride bikes too. Some day!
We do know a few things about Bennett. He is happiest when swaddled up tight, he really likes his bouncy seat, baby hats are too small and bigger hats are too big so he often looks like the above picture, he prefers 3oz to drink and does like a paci. He stays awake for a couple hours each morning, sleeps the rest of the day away, and then lets us see those pretty eyes for a little bit in the evening. He is sleeping in about 4 hr stretches at night right now.... so I really cant complain.
Oh and he is the cutest thing ever.
Bennett already celebrated his first holiday. Happy Halloween!
And he already had his first outing. Em's preschool had a Halloween parade so we dressed up Auggie too and went as a family. I just prayed that Bennett would sleep the whole time and he did! 
On Halloween Bennett's Godmother, Sharon, took his newborn pictures while the big kids trick or treated. I love my Cinderella and Prince Charming and I glad they are getting the chance to do some big kid things.
Doug took them trick or treating with Hank and Knox. I was sad to miss their first official trick or treating experience but Ammon saved the day with pictures and videos. She was looking out for my Momma heart. The story goes that she told them to smile for a picture and they posed themselves like this. How cute! Glad our buddies live just through the woods.

Today Bennett is ONE week old. Seven whole days ago our world changed and even though we can't remember his name half the time (we call him Auggie) we can't imagine our lives without him.
Bennett means "blessed" and that is exactly what we are.

Can't wait to see what the next week holds.


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