Our Weekend: Boys Night, First Walk, First Bath, Sickness and Sleep

Our weekend sounds full when I type it out: Boys night, family pictures, first walk, first bath, sickness and sleep. Maybe that is why I am tired haha...
Really I cannot complain at all. Bennett is the easiest baby ever and besides both of the big kids being sick, we really had a good weekend!
Friday night was Boys Night. How handsome are my men here?!? Doug took Auggie (and Uncle Chuck and Scott) to the Illinois vs. EIU basketball game. We won't talk about the final score...
But we will talk about how much Aug liked it. He told me that he clapped (a lot), had popcorn for supper, and that they lost. I see many more Daddy-Son ballgames in the future. Hope he can handle two wild ones!
I stayed home with one healthy kiddo and one sick one. Em woke up Thursday night in a panic--she couldn't breath at all. We calmed her down, drank some water and tried bed again. The next morning I took her to the doctor....girls got Croup. It is contagious so the doctor and I told her NO kissing or breathing on Bennett....which is impossible for her. So she has been kissing his legs and washing her hands like crazy. Medicine seems to have kicked in and I think she can be reunited with her baby boy soon.
Saturday morning Shar was here bright and early for some family pictures. Surprisingly enough, all kids cooperated. Success! I can't wait to see them (and try to pick my favorites.) Love love love that Sharon gets to capture these moments for me.
 By Saturday evening we were stir crazy. We were going to run to Wal-mart but Bennett decided to take an hour to eat and by then Em and Aug were just running outside and supper needed to be soon. So we opted for our first family walk instead. One lap around the block was all we needed.
Bennett Lee has no idea that any of these things happened this weekend because the boy just sleeps. You wouldn't know he was here unless he is hungry. He then wakes up, does this "HEY! I am UP!" cry, eats, and then goes back to sleep. He is only realllllly mad if his diaper is getting changed or he is naked. He loves his bouncy seat. He loves his swing. He loves the boppy pillow. It doesn't matter. Easy and sweet. 
And already growing. Look at that little belly.

Sunday morning Auggie was grouchy/whining/impossible. When I finally stopped to look at him I noticed sleepy sad eyes...then I felt him. Fever. We haven't been sick in months and now that Bennett is here.....I just pray he stays healthy. So the rest of Sunday was spent keeping Aug happy and comfortable, folding laundry and sneaking in some Bennett time. Sue and Same offered to bring supper (and you never ever turn down a Susie Supper) and we made home made milk shakes--the first thing Auggie agreed to eat all day. Milkshakes=my kind of medicine. 
We ended the evening with the usual Sunday night bath but this was a special night--Bennett's first bath! He hated it. No surprise since being un-diapered or unclothed are the two things he hates. 
I on the other hand love a fresh out of the bath baby. Look at that sweet head of hair. I hope it just gets crazier.

This week starts our new normal for awhile. School for Em three days a week, leaving me with my boys all morning. Emery and Auggie will then go to the babysitters two days a week (they are ready to go back!) which leaves me with just Bennett. I am looking forward to that. 
If you need me this week I will be grading papers and holding a baby.
Have a wonderful week!


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