Transitioning to Three

Three. Since finding out we were pregnant, Doug and I had often daydreamed (and sometimes panicked) about what having three young kiddos would be like. How would that #3 change things? Honestly, that is probably what I was most looking forward to when it came to Bennett. How would this new little boy affect our world as we knew it?
My lap is indeed big enough for three babies. And so is my heart. Just in case you were wondering!

So far the transition to three has been fairly easy for us. (I know some parents out there are shaking their heads at me....telling me to just wait...). I know this transition has a lot to do with what a good baby Bennett is. Having family members who are there at the drop of a hat helps too. I have learned to not pass up help or meals! #3 is also easier because...well....because he is #3. I have learned a lot and am much more laid back (and thankful!) this time around. Doug and I both are.

That got me thinking and reminiscing about my journey into motherhood....
Poor Emery Kayt. I had no clue what I was doing with her. I had never changed a diaper before her and was scared to do so without Doug's help. Doug and I did everything together. If she was up, all of us were up! I remember the first time we traveled with her to her newborn pictures. We stopped to get gas and Doug told me that I should maybe check Em's diaper while he got gas. I panicked and held back tears...I didn't know how to do that! How do I get her out of her car seat? How do I change her diaper by myself? What if she, heaven forbids, cries!?! Doug just smiled at me and said it was time to figure it out and I would be fine. (I think Doug finally came to the bathroom in that gas station and helped me.) I remember being such a sweaty mess all the time. I dreaded feeding her or having her wake up. One time she fell asleep in the bathroom as I showered and I left her there. A lady from church came by to meet her and give us a dessert and I told her she was in the bathroom so she couldn't see her ha! I locked myself and Em in our bedroom when we had a bunch of visitors and made them pretty much come in one at a time. She never left my sight. And don't even get me started on the first time I tried to nurse her in public. It was at an Olive Garden and I get panicky just thinking about it. My mommy instinct was way off with her--I thought I was doing everything right because I was doing exactly what the books and classes told me to do. That was all wrong! That is one thing I would tell new moms--Baby's don't do anything by the book. Figure out what makes you and the baby happy and everything else will fall into place!
Doug and I must have been doing something right though because Emery is the most amazing girl in the world. Beautiful inside and out. She recently told me "I want to be in SHOWS!" and is this smothering little mommy to Bennett and best/boss friend to Auggie. She loves to color and watch movies and eat candy and stay in her night gown and be on the go. (Sounds just like me!) She has helped so much in the transition to three because she picks up for me, is quick to entertain her brothers and has stayed her sweet self. I think the fact that she gets to go to school and daycare a few days a week has kept her busy and still feeling big and important. Thank you Em!
August Samuel. I fell in love hard with my blonde haired boy. I remember feeling so much more confident with him at first. And then I tried to leave the house for the first time. I took both kids to my Mom's McDonald's for lunch so she could help me and I vowed I would never leave the house again. How would I ever take two kids out by myself!?! I would forever be at home. HA!  Auggie was really a pretty easy baby and for awhile my mommy-senses worked. I just did what actually worked with Emery. But guess what....Auggie is nothing like Emery! The challenges with Auggie came later because there is nothing like an Auggie. Doug and I had prided ourselves on how well behaved and easy Emery was when she was little....we learned quickly that Aug was going to be much harder. And we are still trying to figure him out ha! I was bad (and still am) about giving in to Auggie. For instance: I rocked Auggie to sleep every night vs. Doug laying Emery down slightly awake like they tell you to do. There are lots of things like that that I let Auggie get away with. But I don't regret those moments. I don't regret creating a Momma's boy. Not for a second.
If there has been a rough part about our transition to three, I blame Auggie. Sorry kid. Really I should blame SICK Auggie because he was the one that cried for five days and whined "Hold me Mommyyyyy" a million times. Steroids made him so emotional and me so aggravated. I had to stop and remember two things. 1. He is sick. 2. His world just got rocked.
Now that we are healthy, life is good and I am loving seeing how sweet and attentive he is to Bennett. If Bennett's eyes are open (which is rare) or if he is crying (also kind of rare), Auggie is the first to tell me. He gives the best forehead kisses and strongly believes Bennett loves pacifiers as much as he does. He still wants me to hold him all the time (he yelled at me to put Bennett down the other day) and he is still ornery Auggie. But he is also back to being my lover-boy. He up and said"You are a good Mommy" to me the other night and I couldn't stop crying after. He keeps us laughing everyday--like when he offered Emery a half eaten turkey sandwich when she was crying this week and asked very seriously, "Will meat make you feel better, Emmy?"
How could I ever stay mad at a boy that says these things?
Our Baby B, our #3, makes my heart feel full. 
Sometimes I wonder if he likes his bouncy seat more than he likes me. Actually I am pretty sure he does. You wouldn't know he was here and most the time that makes me really happy and relieved but other times I feel like I am neglecting him and he isn't getting the cuddles he deserves for being so good. Doug and I were quick to figure this little boy out--he likes to be full and bundled up. He could care less about noise or being touched and tickled (which is constant). Because of the other two being busy, I have left him at home with Daddy or Nana or Grandma Sue and he has been fine. Loved on, happy, no problem. I just hope he knows how much I love him. 
It makes me smile when I think about God's plan for giving us Bennett and I like to think about what else he has in store for him. Big, amazing things I hope! I can't believe he is already three weeks old. That we have been living this family of five life for three fast weeks. I can't wait to see how Bennett continues to grow and change and fit into our family but I also know that I am going to blink and he is going to be two and ornery like Auggie or four and sweet like Em. 

Praise God for the chance to be going through this transition and for making it so far an easy one! I pray this new journey continues just the way it has been.


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