Bennett Lee~2 Months Old

Can you believe it? Bennett Lee you are two months old! Throughout the changing of ages with Emery and Auggie, I always have a new favorite age....and right now two months old is it. This month your eyes are the most beautiful deep blue, your dimple melts our hearts, your little side grin could not be cuter and your personality is already shinning. 
Your smile might be the cutest thing I have ever seen and the best part is how easy it is to get you to smile. We see it in your eyes first and slowly you grin to the left side of your face only making your dimpled right cheek even cuter. You try to talk back and just study every move we make. You are happiest in your bouncy seat sitting close to Emery and Auggie. You totally already think you are big like them. 
And you are getting big. You weigh 12 lbs on the dot and are 23.5 inches long. At two months Auggie weighed 11 lbs 5 oz and was 22 inches long. Em weighed 11 lbs 9 oz and was 23 inches long. I packed away your new born clothes this week (tear) but you do look darn cute in your new three month stuff. You drink 3 to 4 ounces about every three hours. When you are hungry you are hunnnnngry. You know exactly what sound a bottle makes and I swear you already try to hold it. 
You are a pretty good sleeper. Not our best but not our worst. Here and there you will only get up once but usually you get up twice. I think if you weren't so stuffy and congested at night you would sleep better. You officially have your first cold and I hate that for you. I wish it were me. During the day you love nothing more than a nap. Nap, bottle, smile at Mommy, back to napping. You are living the life! You love your paci more and more. I must just have paci kids. You love to be held tight in a little ball. You like to hold something when you sleep so when you sit in your bouncy seat I swaddle you up just right so that you are holding the blanket. You hate to have to wait on anything and so far you have only had one bath where you didn't scream the entire time. Other than those two things, you are the easiest, sweetest thing. 
You have changed all of our lives for the good. We love you so much Baby B!


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