It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

It really really is the most wonderful time of the year. We have been busy checking all of the Christmas activites off of our list, including but not limited to: seeing Santa, matching pjs, making cookies, eating said cookies, partying it up and just enjoying each other. 
All of this fun has been leading up to tomorrow. Christmas Eve. Every Christmas Eve I find myself never wanting it to end. As a child I am sure I couldn't wait for Christmas Eve to turn into Christmas Day. I am sure I was excited to see what Santa had brought us, to rip into each present and see if I got everything on my list. But I don't feel that way anymore.

 I distinctly remember my first Christmas Eve as a Mother. I remember holding my baby girl and becoming overwhelmed with emotions. I held her and thought about Mary holding her bundle of joy on a cold night in just a dirty stable. Not what she had planned or what any Mom would plan, but she listened to God's plan. I remember telling God that I would listen to his plan...and then realizing that is easier said than done. I had to be honest with myself and with God--I was going to need help listening to his plan. I have said this exact same prayer a thousand times. And should make a mental note to say it more often.

I remember on that night wondering what God's plan was for Emery as I am sure Mary did for Jesus. As a Mom you pray (and then pray some more) that your child(ren) will be healthy and happy and safe and loved and that they will go on to do great things, be great people. I know in my heart that that was Mary's prayer. Her son is my Savior. I am forever and ever thankful to Mary for listening to God's plan.

 I am also forever thankful for God's plan in my own life. I will now have had three Christmas Eve's where I spent the quiet night rocking a baby to sleep by just Christmas tree light. I can't think of anything else that I would ever want. God's plan has been better than I could have ever thought of for myself. 

That always leads me to think of people in my life who are struggling in their plan. Who are listening to it but are maybe questioning it, hurting, wondering what God has in store for them next. I never want Christmas Eve to be over because that is just one more step towards the new year. I find myself not wanting a year to be over. They have each been too good to me....and the future is unknown. I would rather just sit comfy in what I have. But that isn't God's plan. There I go again not trusting. Not listening. I know people who cannot wait for a new year, for the future, for their plan to unfold. I need to take a lesson on trust and faith from those loved ones. 

I hope this Christmas Eve finds you with whatever it is you need. I will be praying for God to calm my anxieties of being a mother of three and for him to help me quiet my busy mind so that I can focus in on him. I know he will take all of my worries away. And if you need it, know that I will be praying for those who are struggling, who are searching, who are looking for the next door they know God is going to open. 

I and do hope Santa finds you too.
We went to see the Man in Red this week. Em made her little brother go first and he didn't mind. He was ready! He asked for a Ryder and a "rawr-rhiler" (four-wheeler) for him. Ryder is a character on his fav show--Paw Patrol. I think Santa is going to be bringing him LOTS of Paw-Patrol things. 
Last year I asked Emery some Christmas questions. This year I asked both big kids. Here is what Auggie had to say:

Who's birthday is on Christmas?
Jesus! I think he is two.

Where was Jesus born?
Ummm....I don't know. (Which is often his answer for everything.)

Have you been naughty or nice this year?
(He didn't even have to think about it ha!) We asked him why and he said because he gets out of bed. Emery then chimed in with a list of naughty things. 
"And you don't pick up toys. You don't listen."
Apparently Emery is the keeper of the nice list!

What is your favorite Christmas song?
Santa Claus is Coming to Town

What is Santa's favorite food?
cookies and water

What will Santa bring Emery, Bennett, Mommy and Daddy?
E: A coloring book
B: A rattle (he thinks babies can only play with rattles)
M: Drinks....
D: Cups....

By the time he was listing gifts for Doug and I he was just looking around the kitchen for stuff to say. But I mean....I could use a drink haha

Is there anything else you want to tell us about Christmas?
Rudolph has a red nose.
And them other reindeer just have their black noses.
Emery is the reason we are just now seeing Santa. She couldn't think of anything to ask for was afraid that if you ask for nothing, you get nothing. She finally came up with a list of three things. 100 markers, a toy kitty and the girl Paw Patrol pups. Pretty easy to please!
Who's birthday is on Christmas?
It is Jesus's birthday!

Where was Jesus born?
The stable. Three wise men came to see him too. They brought Gold and FrankenSTEIN and.....
(Doug and I couldn't stop laughing. We corrected her and waited for the last gift but we she couldn't think of it. When Doug said it was myrrh, Auggie loudly goes MMMMRRRRRRR like a cow. We were in tears.)

Have you been naughty or nice this year?
(She said this right away and with confidence. We just looked at her.)
Okay.... a little bit nice....
(Guilty conscience ha!)

What is your favorite Christmas song?
You Better Watch Out (really it is the same as Aug)

What is Santa's favorite food?
Cookies. But only Gingerbread cookies.

What will Santa bring Auggie, Bennett, Mommy and Daddy?
A: A tracktor and Paw Patrol things.
B: A new paci.
M: Clothes.
D: A new T.V. (she knows him well....)

Is there anything else you want to tell us about Christmas?
Ummm....I am good at opening presents.
What a great skill to have Em, ha!
No kiddos cried this year seeing Santa and no list was too long. Success!
We finally busted out the matching Christmas Pjs. I guess I have been waiting for Bennett to fit in his. My boy seems so big all of a sudden so I thought they might fit...I was right!
I wanted the perfect, all three smiling or at least looking at the camera...and I got this. Then a very smart woman reminding me that this was still perfect. Because it is real life.
This baby boy is definitely on the nice list.
But I am not sure about the years to come...he just has that ornery glimmer in his eye.
And I know that glimmer....have you met Auggie Boy?
We made Christmas cookies and treats with Nana. Well Em, Nana and I cooked...Aug just ate. I would tell him NO and he would just grin and stick the Gingerbread man further into his mouth. We also made reindeer food--I let the kids make up the recipe. It ended up being equal parts oats, goldfish, marshmallows, chocolate chips and sprinkles. Oh and glitter. All of the reindeers' favorite things! Auggie ate some of this too and approved it...glitter and all!
We met up with a bestie and saw "The Star."
We LOVED it. Em totally got what it was about--I heard her explaining that the Donkey was trying to help Mary because she was having Baby Jesus! She knew why the wise men were there and that they were going to end up in a stable. She loved that the camels kept arguing about whether they were going to a baby shower or a birthday....and really it was both!
Auggie on the other hand asked if Mary was Moana.
Nope. Not even close.
The big kids and I attempted to make a Gingerbread train. Ugh.
Em did okay and I was pretty proud of my part. It is hard to tell in the picture but the caboose is falling apart. Probably because Auggie took a big bite out of it. 
This year I said I would never do one of these again. But who am I kidding.....
Last night we had out first of many celebrations. Everyone was supposed to just bring their favorite dish or what they are "famous for".
I really just show up for D's veggie pizza....but I stay for the laughter and craziness. 
Em's fav gift was her "American Girl Doll".....that isn't an American girl doll...but we aren't going to tell her that.
Aug liked it all---he is going to be so much fun this year.
D gave him a green tractor and wagon and he gave it back to her and told her it was the wrong one. He only likes RED ones! Grandpa Sammy would have been proud.
Have I told you he walks around the house singing "John Deere Reeeeeddddd"
Just change the words and you are good!
But by the end of the night that tractor looked really fun and he decided to keep it. 
Bennett enjoyed being in the presence of some of the greatest baby hogs of all time. 
This morning we woke up to a beautiful snow that put us even more into the Christmas spirit. All was calm when I was up early with B and the view from my back door was beautiful. This time of year is just beautiful.

I think we need to go drive around and see Christmas lights one more time tonight and tomorrow....tomorrow we will celebrate Christmas Eve, the most wonderful time of the year.


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