Life Lately

My title, "Life Lately", isn't very festive or exciting, but it is what this post is all about. This past week I feel like I have taken one step forward and about four steps back. Blogging has been on the ol' to-do list every day, and everyday it gets pushed to the bottom. This time of year can get crazy and I don't want it to feel like that. I hate that I feel this sense of anxiety/grouchiness/busyness creeping on. Go away! I know the reason for the season and that I should be slowing down and enjoying the little things....but those presents hidden downstairs aren't going to wrap themselves and the sick boy sitting next to me will only feel better if I am near. So while my mind is continuously making a list my heart is telling it to shhhhush this morning. I am going to take a moment, sip my coffee, and smile at the good moments of the past week.
I have tried to sprinkle in a little Christmas fun in every week. Thankfully, Target dollar section had tons of cute little crafts that I knew Emery would be pumped about and that Auggie would maybe attempt for about two seconds. This week it was these sticky ornament/puff balls things. Auggie actually did okay (meaning his snowman looked like a snowman--with help) and Emery LOVED doing her elf all by herself.
She was so proud of it. So proud in fact that she hung it up in her room. The next morning, when I walked into their room, it felt like I stepped on something in the dark. Sure enough....every single ball of her elf had fallen off. Thanks a lot Target ha!
This little squish got to go to my school for the first time. I am in Faith Matters (our Senior girl Bible study) and we were having our last meeting of the year. I thought it was the perfect excuse to show him off and show him off I did! You should have seen the crowd around me ha! I felt loved and missed and it kind of made me excited about going back soon. Kind of. 
Bennett is starting to get this little personality. He only smiles at Douglas, he knows exactly what sound a bottle makes when being shaken up, and he loves attention from wherever he can get it. Usually the entertainment comes from Em. I swear when she is with Bennett she can block out the rest of the world. When she comes home she goes straight to him and just smothers him with kisses and squeezes. Poor kid. 
I can't believe B will be TWO months old next week. Things need to just slow down.
The highlight of the week was this pretty girl's Christmas program. The preschoolers tell the story of Jesus's birth--it is a very sweet program. Last year as a three year old she was just a singer but this year she was a TREE! You would have thought she had the most important part--she was that excited. And she did so good. 
I think know that August Samuel was Em's biggest fan that day (and everyday). Really he loved the whole thing. He sang along, clapped, and asked about 200 questions. 
And he liked the cookies too. (Did you notice he had a tree on his shirt? He matched Em! Is it weird that when I realized he had this shirt I did a little Mom-happy dance. It really is the small things ha!)
Bennett just slept while looking very handsome in his Christmas sweater. 
After the program, we were busy eating cookies and telling Em how great she did. Auggie snuck away. We found him checking out Baby Jesus. That was fine. A few minutes later, when I looked over at the manger, he was gone again. This time we found him walking hand-in-hand around the gym with Emery's teacher. I just had to laugh. I guess he is already trying to butter her up for next year!
And from Friday on, things went a little down hill. The fridge broke and Auggie got a stomach bug. The two put together made for a very messy kitchen and lots of laundry.
If I am looking at things glass-half-full, its a good thing Mom got us a deep freeze for Christmas and it was already plugged in and cold. And I have been needing to wash all of the kid's bedding.
We really did get a lot done on our "Get Lots Done" weekend...just not the things I had planned on.

This week we have so much to look forward to and I need to concentrate on that. I also need Auggie to be healthy.

Hoping everyone enjoys this special week!


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