Bennett Lee~Three Months Old

Three months! How is our baby boy three months old already? Are you technically not a newborn anymore? From past experince this is when time starts to really fly. This is when you really start changing every day. I am happy and sad about that. I can't wait to see who you are but I love you so much already.
Bennett you are an angel. So laid back, so happy all of the time. Look at that smile....just joy! You smile so easily--Emery and Daddy get the biggest smiles (and your Daddy swears you laughed for him the other day.) I bet in this next month you will be laughing all the time.
You slept through the night for the first time last week but it was a fluke. Miss Sharon's wears you out so you usually just want to sleep all evening....which means waking up around 3 or 4 in the morning 
I am not mad that you get up--you go right back to bed and you napping and being happy in the evenings makes our lives so much easier. So I will gladly get up once. Daddy and I have talked about how hard life would be right now if you were not this thank you--you are a blessing!
You are kind of an odd eater. Emery and Auggie loved their bottles and sucked them down immediately. It depends on the day/hour for you. Sometimes you are starving--on the dot at three hours you are screaming and gulp down 5 ounces and act like you want more. But when it is time for your next bottle you might just spit it out and want to smile or only drink 2 ounces. You do what you want to do! 

Your love list is long. You love Emery and find Daddy the funniest. You love napping and being included like you are a big kid. You love your paci and have recently found your fists which seem to be just as good as the paci most of the time. You like to hold a blanket close and swaddled up in your bouncy seat is your favorite place. 

When trying to think of what you hate I couldn't come up with much. You used to hate baths, but I figured out that Em and Aug are great distractions. You used to hate having your diaper changed or your clothes off but now you are just happy. No worries at all. I hope this is your personality for life.

We love you Bennett Baby. So so so much.
Happy Three Months!


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