Getting Our Grove Back

Long time, no blog. I know...I know. This always happens this time of year. 
This year I am going to use the "Christmas Break is Over and I Am Back to Work" excuse with a side of "I now have three kiddos". 
And if you remember, my goal for 2018 was to go to bed in peace-not regret or a to-do list. So I have played play-doh until I can't play any longer and while I still have a to-do list, I have tried not to stress over how many things I get crossed off a day.

So here is the most random line up of pictures. Little moments I don't want to forget from the past couple of weeks.
Well I cannot say we have been busy giving B a bath. Poor third (smelly) child. The bath is my big kids' happy place. They will play nicely in there until they are shivering (read: shimmering) prunes. Yes they get water everywhere but that is a small price to pay (read: how I "mop" my bathroom floor).  So by the time they get out there is either no hot water left or it is past bedtime or Bennett is napping again. And you do not waking a sleeping baby. At least not for a silly bath. 
Also he hates them so why torture him.
(Just realized that maybe if he had more he might like them...)
So while I love after bath curls, I rarely see after bath curls.
Emery Kayt got to go to school with me last week. Douglas was gone for what seemed like forever so it was on me to get everyone where they needed to be. It takes a village. A co-worker watched my class for the ten minutes it took me to run the girl to school. Em recently figured out that I am a teacher and that I work at the school she will someday go to. Her eyes lit up!

Emery: Mommy! When I go to high school we can just go there together and leave together and just do everything together!
Me: I will be reminding you that you said that in about 10 years....
She has been so good lately. She is my right-hand man and I don't know what I would do without her. She says I love you out of the blue, she soothes Bennett I swear before he even cries, she brings Auggie his Lucky Puppy every morning because she loves her's so she figures his will bring him comfort too. She still says her same bedtime saying every night and to her I always say, "Yes, you are a sweetie."

She also told me I smelled like mayonnaise the other day and then told me that the only reason she loves me is because I can do her hair and Daddy cannot.
Such a sweetie haha!
August Samuel. August Samuel has been a little monster. Albeit a cute monster. But still a monster.
And I created it (slash I think the terrible THREEs are here a little early.)
So emotional, thinks crying gets him what he wants, does NOT want to grow up.
The whole "Don't you want to be my BIG girl?" tactic totally worked and works on Emery. Auggie wants nothing to do with being big. 

Me: Buddy, we have to start listening better. You are almost three.
Me: I know. But I need you to be my big boy.
Aug: But Mommmmmy...I am just a wittle boy.

I hear "I wantchu hold me" about 300 times a day and a part of me is driven crazy by this and a part (a bigger part) of me loves it and knows I will miss it when he is big. So I hold him.
But we are working on his addictions--Paci and Paw Patrol. 
Pray for us.
Bennett Baby is a dream. His smile makes my heart sing every time. He is joy.
He has been a busy boy too. He started daycare last week and after one rough day, the verdict is that he is a "complete angel". I knew that but I was so happy to hear someone else say it! On his very first day I missed him so bad. When I walked in to get him I got the biggest "Hi Mommy! I missed you today" smile from him. Swoon.
B also moved to his crib this past weekend. He has been in a pack-n-play next to me in our room. Funny how things change from 1st to 3rd child. I would have kept Emery in our room forever and just knew for sure she would never be ready to sleep in her bed. (I was probably even worse with Auggie just because he was such a Momma's boy). But Bennett. I told Doug I was ready to kick him out a while ago ha! He is the loudest sleeper ever and I was constantly waking up to check on him. He was always fine--just always snotty and snorty. He is healthy now so into the crib he went. He loves it (and so do I!). 
Besides trying out the crib, our weekend was full of family and friends. Bennett finally met his Great Grandma Angie. Aren't they cute together? He just smiled at her and cuddled in. I even snuck a sweet video of her rocking him to sleep. He is her 105th great grandchild so she has had a lot of practice. 
We had Sharon and Eric over for supper on Sunday. My kids were major Sharon hogs ha! New books (Shar always picks out the best books) for the big kids and a homemade quilt and the cutest piggy elephant bank for Bennett. She loves my babies. When she was tickling Auggie or kissing on Bennett I couldn't help but picture Ian and Madison. If my kids can feel that much love from her imagine her very own sweet babies. She has the biggest momma heart and I am lucky to get to see it and feel it from time to time. 
And poor Eric--Em made him her very own jungle gym. A year ago she wouldn't have given him a high five. Crazy girl.
Monday was Pj day for us. (Really anyway off of work is Pj day for us.)
Did you notice that Emery is holding Bennett's hand?
We played play-doh. LOTS of play-doh.
And we attempted to have some snow fun. I was not brave/fun/dumb enough to get the big kids all bundled up to go outside to play so instead I said we would make Snow Ice Cream. Fun right?
Auggie was outside for about a second before a meltdown ensued.

Aug: MY BOOOOOOOOOTSSSSSSS (tears, snot, red face, more tears and snot)
Me: What is wrong with your boots, Buddy?
Aug: They have SNOOOOOW ON THEM!!!!
Me: Yes. They are boots. So.....

We came inside real quick.

This week is already half way over and we are excited for the weekend. Girls trip to see Moana! The boys are going to have to fend for themselves. Or go to Grandma Susie's which is what I would do if I were them. It is yummier there.

Stay warm. Stay safe. And enjoy the rest of your week!


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