Bennett Lee~4 Months Old
Bennett Lee you are four months old. Four! And while it does seem like we just brought you home yesterday, I do not know what we ever did without you.
You have been a busy boy this past month-lets see what you have been up to.
You are still kind of an odd eater. Some days you are starving and recently like to drink 6 ounces and the next day you are fine with about nothing. Your brother and sister started eating real food around this age....I am curious to see what you think of that. Daddy took you to the doctor this past week and you weighed a whopping 15lbs! I will take you again this week so we will see if you have grown. 3 month clothes are getting kind of tight and so are size 1 diapers....but we have a few more to squeeze into ha!
For the last three months I would have said your favorite pastime was napping. Not anymore.
Now it is probably a tie between smiling and chewing on your hands. You always have to have something in your mouth--paci, hands, toys. I don't think you are getting teeth because my babies never do until much later. I just think you are a chewer.
You just recently started rolling over and you love to be bounced on the bed or in your bouncy seat.
I think you might be a wild one.....
You no longer hate baths. You only really laugh at Emery or Daddy and you watch Aug's every move...which can't be good. You had your first bad ear infection this month, went swimming for the first time, sat in the high chair and no longer can be classified as a good sleeper.
But we couldn't love you more. Happy 4 Months Baby B!
Love ya!
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