Mess of Moments

I started this blog over five years ago so that I could remember moments. Big ones, small ones, all. of. the. moments. Some posts are really thought out with theses big mom-lessons or overarching themes. I think about them, edit them, worry about posting English teacher style. 
And some posts, like this one, are just a random mess of moments.
Because honestly, life right now is a lovely random mess of moments.
I wouldn't want it any other way. 
My brother Avery swears there are less pictures of him because he is poor baby #3. The same cannot be said for our Bennett Baby. The kid is just too smiley and I am too obsessed with him to not be taking pictures constantly. And now he can kind of sit up. Gahhh! Sitting has never been so sweet.
He is back to sleeping goodish (yay!), only wants to eat fruit and just wants to be big--soooo almost the opposite of Auggie. 
If you would use the bathroom at our house you might notice the Paw Patrol toy displayed above the toilet, just out of reach. This is not our idea of a nice decoration. This is, however, our idea of potty training incentive/bribery. And just to be clear, it is not working. Aug has recently stopped being impossibly stubborn for the babysitter and will sit on her potty about two times a day. Progress. But at home, look out. Do not even mention it. Not what I would call progress. He doesn't want to be big, if you tell him he is almost three he is quick to remind he that he is only two and a half. I don't know if it is because we have Bennett or what but he just wants to be my "wittle boy". He also is recently scared/shy/upset in situations that used to be fine. We went to the Probst's this past week for an impromptu roasted hotdog and s'more supper. I knew he would hate the "smote" and fire (and I was right) but I didn't expect him to want to be held like a baby and clinch his eyes shut for most of the night. He is definitely going through some things right now. By Sunday night his listening skills had long been over used and he had been good for long enough. After time-outs and lost privileges, Doug  sighed and asked me what we were going to do with him. I just kind of smiled and shrugged my shoulders because I don't have an answer but in my head I heard a little voice say the words "love him through it".
And I kind of think that is the only answer right now. Lord knows time-outs and soft spanks don't work! He is the epitome of a sour patch kid. Sour: he throws toys, is sometimes way too rough with Bennett, doesn't will smile and do exactly what you told him not to. But then he can be so so sweet: he picks me "Dandy-Firers", says "I wuv you", and just wants me to hold him. 
So I think we will just keep loving him through it.
Emery has had two first lately. Both not so good.
She stole. Yep, my sweet little innocent Emery Kayt stole a toy from Wal-mart. I am not sure if Doug and I were more upset about the stealing or the sneakiness. So the story goes that we were all at Wal-mart (because sometimes Doug and I get this wild hair to take everyone when it is definitely a one person job) and I went to get groceries while he and the kids went to look at toys. It was a known fact that we were not getting any toys. We get home, hang up coats and start putting things away. 
Em walks back out to the laundry room, gets something out of her coat pocket and says something along the lines of "Oh wow! Look what was in my pocket...." 
Ya she was surprised to find it there too.....
Doug and I immediately ask where she got that and her big blue eyes got BIG. Like that "I know I am in trouble BIG." I asked her if she knew what that was called and she innocently says, "A Mashum...." I didn't mean the name of the toy ha! That is when we explained what stealing is and how wrong it is. We also explained how bad sneakiness is. She was very sorry and the punishment was that she had to take the toy back and apologize, which she did. We even practiced. 
I told this story to one of my classes and that brought about the topic of what they stole when they were little. All I remember stealing was grapes from IGA whenever we went grocery shopping. They looked so good ha! I do not think she will ever do it again. She will probably be embarassed when she reads this someday! 

Emery Kayt also missed her first day of school ever. Doug was sick with a stomach bug earlier in the week and late Wednesday night, Em came to our room and said her belly hurt. She wanted to sleep on the couch like Daddy had when he was sick. Being the tired/not so sympathetic parents we are, we told her she was fine and to get back in bed. Actually, this scene happened several times throughout the night.
And then we heard it....she was sick.
We felt super bad. Sorry Em.
Grandma and Grandpa came to our rescue.  I had already taken off work for Friday which worked out good because sister was still down for the count. I missed her energy and bright smile. She was pretty darn sad. By Saturday evening she was finally back! Back to kissing on B as much as she can, back to singing and dancing around, back to being the motherhen-boss-teacher that we love. 
I am praying we are all healthy now. We need a full week of health.
Just throwing this one on here too. Rarely do I post a picture of Douglas and I because we rarely take one. This was from last weekend when we went to the St. Anthony Hall of Fame Gala. Fun times! But the real reason I am posting it is because this week Doug and I need to finish planning the little getaway we are taking next weekend. I am looking forward to time away together, yummy food, and two nights of sleep with no interruptions! 

I hope everyone has a healthy and happy week ahead!


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