
I realized the other day I won't be able to say I have a four, a two and a new for very long. Emery is almost five, Auggie is so close to being three and I hate to admit that Bennett is not a newborn anymore. My babies are growing and changing so quickly and I don't know how to feel about it. Excited for the future but would totally be fine if time would freeze right now. 
Emery-4yrs 9m: Em is still our mother hen. The first person she wants to see in the morning is Bennett. She and Auggie are very close but there is just something about her and B. I love watching them together. She is always squeezing his cheeks and he clearly doesn't like it so we do it back to her ha! She is hard to wake up in the mornings and could probably still stand to take a nap but would never admit it. And she always brings Auggie his stuffed animals because she loves hers so why wouldn't he want his. I think putting others first is in her heart and I hope it always is.  She waves the best, biggest wave when she gets dropped off at school and can't wait to be in Kindergarten. She loves Whiskers the stray cat, popcorn and movies, coloring, cheeseburgers and tacos. She has always had the best laugh and every night she still says "I don't love a little bit of people, I love a lot of people cause I am everybody's best friend and I'm a shweety."
And she really is the sweetest. I love the little big girl she is becoming.
Auggie-2yrs 10m: Auggie is our ...... well I guess he is just our Auggie. He is always a farmer or a ball player, never just an Auggie. He refuses to go on the potty no matter what we do and he doesn't want to be big. To get sympathy he tells us he has "told" and if you ask him where his cold is he usually says its in his belly. He names things "Pee-piyo"--as in what do you want for lunch? A Pee-piyo sandwich! We have no idea what it means. He recently is scared to death of "smoke" aka steam that comes off of food and says everything is too loud. At first we thought maybe he had an ear infection because he did seem sensitive to loud noises....but when I sent him to timeout last week he told me the laundry was too loud....aka the dryer. He loves salsa and baked potatoes and fruit and his drink of choice is either milk or my tea. He gets out of bed about every night for multiple made up reasons. Last week it was because of a "mergency" that he couldn't come up with. This week he thinks 8:30pm in the dark is the perfect time to pick out his clothes for the next day. He is quick to kiss Bennett but quick to be too rough with him too. Just what a brother should be like I guess. He knows how to spell his first and last name and knows my phone number....only because Emery has been learning these things. He might be too smart for his own good. I worry about him going to school--not because he is stubborn and doesn't listen but because he has always been my Auggie Boy and I can't believe he is this big already. 
Bennett-5 months: Bennett is our angel baby. He brings all of us so much joy. He loves attention and I cannot imagine why.....ha! Now that he is healthy, he is trying to play catch up and seems to have a new trick everyday. He wants to sit up and rolls over immediatly. He barley laughs and when he does we all come running...and then he stops and just smiles. Everything goes straight to his mouth and he always has at least two fingers all slobbery. Recently he is starving and thinks he should be eating whenever and whatever it is that we are eating. He is always most excited to see Doug but I still like to think he likes me the most. Emery soothes him and Auggie makes him wide-eyed and wiggly. His big dimpled grin makes me swoon every time and he is somehow the perfect mix of his older siblings.
Together they are my everything.  I laugh because of them, I cry because of them, I love like I have never loved because of them. It is not ever lost on me how blessed I am to be their mother. 


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