Bennett Lee~Seven Months Old

I told someone this week that you just turned six months old.

And then I looked at the calendar. 
How are you already seven months, Bennett Baby!?!
We didn't think it was possible. But we have fallen even more in love with you this month. Your eyes have gotten bluer, your hair has gotten blonder, your dimple has gotten bigger and your sweet personality has gotten more and more irresistible.
I think out of all three kids, you have the bluest eyes. You can thank your Daddy for that.  When you arrived back in October I was surprised that you had dark hair--I had just assumed you would look just like Auggie. Back then we swore you looked just like Emery and would never have blonde hair. We were wrong. Your hair seems to get lighter every day so now I am wondering if you will be a blondie like your older brother. You do still remind me more of Em, but we get very mixed comments. You are in size two diapers still but I will probably be buying threes before too long. I bought you a few nine month clothes and then I found all of Auggie's old 12 month summer clothes. They fit perfectly. Hand-me downs for the win!!
You like any type of baby food we give you. Veggies, fruits, it doesn't matter. You have also become the puff master. I love seeing those little fingers work hard and you smile so big when you successfully get one to your mouth. Lots still end up on the floor or in your lap, but you are getting much better. Your sleep has also gotten much better in this past month. You have always gotten up once or twice at night and needed to be fed to fall back asleep but all of a sudden you are sleeping through the night! Sometimes you need a little pat on your bottom or a paci, but for the past few weeks you have been a sleepy mama's dream! Thanks B!
You love a nap. Emery and Auggie were not good nappers and preferred being held for naps. Not you. At the first sign of a yawn or sleepy eyes, I just put you in your bed wide awake and I don't hear a peep from you for a few hours. The first time I laid you down like this I couldn't believe it worked. Then Nana reminded me that that is what the babysitter probably did, so you are used to it. So I should be thanking Ms. Sharon! You also love anything you can put in your mouth. We say the puppy that Grandma Susie gave you is your favorite to chew on and you also love this big block toy. Wherever that toy is you will find someway to get over to it. You like to be outside (thank goodness), you like to splash like crazy in the bath and as long as you think you are playing with the big kids, you are happy.
We all swore you would be crawling by now, and you almost are. You now spend most of your time up on your hands and knees rocking back and forth, back and forth. You just need to go forwards! I know it will be so soon and that will definitely change things up! Recently changing your diaper is what I imagine it would be like to put pants on a pig....but you just smile that smile of yours.
You really are getting too big too fast. But we love it. You bring us so much joy everyday. What a blessing you are Bennett Lee! Happy Seven Months!


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