Bennett Lee~10 Months Old

 The two little teeth, the dimple, the get-anything-I-want grin. What's not to love about Bennett Lee, the TEN month old!?! Ten months feels awfully close to twelve months, Baby B. You keep growing and changing and these next couple of months are going to be so fun with you. 
You are our tall one. We get a lot of comments about how long you are (and how loveable). You are still in size 3 diapers and squeeze into all your hand-me down 12 month clothes, but I have a feeling I am going to need to be pulling out Auggie's old 18 month clothes soon. You seem to always need a hair cut and it keeps getting lighter and fluffier too. You have two bottom teeth and recently your "fangs" on the top popped through which just made me laugh because this is the same sequence that Emery got her teeth in. You prefer to be standing or eating or into something you are not suppose to be into--I am not quite sure which is your favorite.  
You want to eat ev-er-y-thing. When we sit down for supper you check out everyone else's plates just to make sure you are not missing out on something. You always make a huge mess but it keeps you happy and busy so we let you feed yourself (and then fight over who has to clean you up). Your sleep seems to be mostly back on schedule. Our babysitter says you take good naps but boy when 8pm rolls around you are ready for bed. About every other night you sleep through the night and maybe wake one to two times on the other nights. Sooo much better than the end of summer break so I will take it. 
 You can wave and tell us how big you are by raising both arms up. You love to jabber with words sounding like "Ma-ma" or "Na-na". You love your Daddy (and he loves it when you race to him when he gets home) and you hate having your face and hands wiped. You are always a slobbery mess but for the most part you are also always happy and smiling. 
You are so kissable. So cute. And so ornery too. We cannot believe that you are in double digit months already and are excited to see you grow and change this fall.
We love you Bennett Baby. So much. 


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