Been Busy

As I sit here and daydream about the weekend (instead of grading papers like a good teacher), I just remembered that I haven't blogged in a bit. I have just been busy. But now I can't really come up with anything good that I have been busy with....
I haven't been busy running (its hot and I hate running at 5am). I haven't been busy cooking my family supper all week (we have yet to sit at the dinner table with each other this week or eat anything that is actually good for us). And I definitely haven't been busy doing laundry or cleaning or bathing my kids or even washing my own hair for that matter (Two words: Dry Shampoo). So really I have nothing to show for how busy I have felt. Am I the only one that does this?
I will blame a little bit of my business on B. Sunday evening he spiked a fever (Nana is actually the one that noticed it. Three kids later and sometimes my mom-senses do not work.) Poor guy still had a fever Monday and Tuesday which meant juggling schedules and relying on Grandma and Grandpa to take care of him/cheer him up. Besides a fever his only symptoms have been droopy-sad eyes and a touch of neediness. I wish he could just tell me what is wrong! Summertime sicknesses don't normally happen for us but if they would, all would be fine since I would be home. Doug and I forgot how hard it is to have a sick kid when we are both working. With that being said, I am so thankful for family and for the fact that even though he had a fever and isn't quite back to normal, Bennett Baby is really just fine. 
Having a fever did not hold Bennett back from being his ornery self. We have always described Auggie as a whirlwind.....but the truth is Aug was nothing like Bennett is now. I am worried! He does. not. stop. moving, has an over the top temper at times, must have all the attention and has the orneriest grin (his big dimple doesn't help.) Earlier this week, as Auggie and I read books on the couch, I thought B was playing nicely in the front room. I hear a squeal of excitement, look up and find this. My baby is in the window! Like any good mom, I got a picture first and then helped him down. He was so darn proud of himself and I had to get him down again a few minutes later. 
The next day I was trying to work on dishes. Big kids were outside, B was busy taking every book off the book shelves. Perfect time to get a few things done. As I finished up the dishes I decided to go back and put on comfy clothes (I heart crazy/mismatched/too-big comfy clothes). As I passed the front room something caught my eye; Bennett Lee teeter-tottering on the top of the footstool. Get down! He did his new trick later for Doug who got it on film and now that he has figured this out who knows where I am going to find him next!
I just remembered that I did accomplish something this week. I ordered Bennett a cute little pumpkin shirt for his cute little pumpkin 1st birthday....that is a month away. (Breath Momma, breath.)
Emery Kayt has been busy living her best Kindergartener life. She goes hard allllll day which has been leaving her tired and a little bit grouchy (I feel ya, Em.) She comes home everyday with a million papers--a few are classwork, some her own doodles, many secret notes, drawings and gifts from her friends. She told me last Friday that she and Charlee really really wanted to have a play-date (yes, she used the word play-date) and to her surprise I told her that Charlee was indeed coming to our house on Saturday! I had originally planned for a fire but it was approximately 100 degrees out so that was a no go. We just had some of our favorites over for supper instead.  
As I think about how thankful I am for my girlfriends, I can't help but smile when I see Em love on hers. These girls take dance together too and they have to hug like this before they can part ways. Jansen girls are my favorite girls!
Emery has also been busy being my little tag along. I get her from school everyday and she always hops in the van, asks me how my day was before I can ask her and then wants to know what we are doing next. Two days out of the week we have cheer. She sits and draws and mouths the words to the school song and cheers. She secretly watches my team's every move because after practice she will tell me who did a good job or who her favorite is. My big girls are so sweet with her and I try to remember to thank them for being the role models that they are. Basketball season is coming right up (that is when the business will really start) but my little family is excited to root for the Bulldogs!
August Samuel has been busy being August Samuel I guess. He has been a good boy while also pushing all of his Daddy's buttons haha. 
I kind of feel like he is the forgotten one lately. I see Emery and we get to talk about our days then I come home and Bennett needs me. By bedtime I realize I haven't had near enough Auggie kisses and cuddles (and he also remembers nothing about his day by then.) I miss my little man. I do know that he loves school and was extra excited today because it was RED day--he has been waiting to wear his Cardinal shirt for weeks. The boy loves all things red, Fredbird the Redbird and red tractors being just two of his favorites. I can't wait to kiss his little cheek and hear how his special day was. And then kiss on him some more. 
Tomorrow is Friday and we have no real weekend plans. I am hoping for a healthy Bennett, a well rested Emery and some special time with Auggie. I also want to request cooler weather, some yummy food and maybe a glass of wine with my husband. And maybe I won't feel busy at all!


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