My Daily Pursuit Challenge

For a few months now, I have been on the hunt for the perfect self-help, self-love, realistic, relatable, just what my little momma heart needs, devotional. I have read samples, scoured reviews, asked friends, started no less than three books just to get frustrated and quit. So you could say my search has gone pretty well. Ha.

So many are hit and miss. I like this chapter but don't need that one. Some didn't fit my life style, some didn't quite follow my faith, some had me overwhelmed and some of these so called self-help/self-love books even left me feeling worse about myself....somebody explain how that works, please. 

I just wanted something that hit my heart, right where I needed it to hit and right when I needed it to. 
Guess what girls. Only God can do that! Not sure why it took me months of frustration to realize this. I am positive he was trying to tell me this the whole time.

After a dinner date with some of my best girls this week, I felt this urge to write. I wasn't sure what but I decided to sit down and just let my mind wander. I thought about these friends, our conversations. They challenge me to be a better mom, wife, friend, christian. They challenge me to be better to myself. As I stared at the computer screen, the word challenge struck a cord with me. Challenge. 

Why couldn't I challenge myself to be better? Why couldn't I do my own self-help, self-love, work on just what my momma heart needs, challenge. Instead of looking to big-name authors or the most popular pod-cast, why couldn't I, with the help of my God and my husband and my kids and my family and my friends, just work on myself?

So I have decided to try it. What's to lose? I have decided to pursue what God is calling me to work on. I have decided to pursue the lessons and desires he has been laying on my heart.

For the month of December I am going to pursue presence daily. Being present with God and being more present in all of my relationships. Stronger, deeper, more thought out presence.

I am going to dive in to God's word, I am going to reevaluate where I am spending my time, and because December can be crazy-town, I am going to challenge myself to find peace, joy and comfort in the present.

Accountability is huge for me. Without it I won't do anything...just being real here. So I plan to write out my plan and my thoughts and reflect back later this month. Wish me luck and don't be afraid to join me!

And now I am curious.....

What are you being called to pursue?


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